
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: beef (Page 4 of 5)

Minced Beef Cutlets

January 23rd, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Minced Beef Cutlets

This it a traditional russian recipe for minced meat cutlets which includes meat, white bread soaked in milk and a lot of onions. Some people prepare those cutlets from beef only, some add a bit of pork or pork fat in them. I prefer just beef.

You may grind or mince meat yourself or buy a ground one and simply add finely chopped or grated onions: whatever you prefer. Either way I am sure it will taste delicious!

I’ve served those cutlets with fried potatoes and greek salad, just in case you were curious.

Beef Stew with Vegetables

August 22nd, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Beef Stew with Vegetables

One of the most delicious ways to prepare beef is to stew it with vegetables. Stewed meat shares its juices with vegetables which makes the dish not only nutritious but also very tasty. Stews are a bit time consuming to prepare, but it is totally worth it. Serve stews hot without side dish.

In this post I’ve prepared beef stew with potato, bean, carrots and tomatoes. Read step-by-step instructions how to prepare Beef Stew with Vegetables with pictures.

Meat with Prunes

June 6th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Meat with Prunes

For meat with prunes you can use either pork or beef. I think, pork tastes even better prepared this way, especially if prunes you have are not too sweet, so I advise you to go with pork.

However if you don’t like pork for some reasons or if you don’t have it just like I did when I were writing this article, you can use beef. I must say it tastes also delicious!

Stuffed Bell Peppers

April 5th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Stuffed Bell Peppers

My better half doesn’t like fresh bell peppers, so I do stuff them with ground beef and rice and stew for a bit and here we go, it is his favorite meat dish.

Stuffed Bell Peppers are easy and fast to do. They are being served without side dish and are tasty!

Meatballs Soup

March 8th, 2009 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Meatballs Soup

Eating soups is healthy, let’s also make it tasty!

Homemade beef broth, a lot of vegetables and meatballs, sounds good for me, what about you?

If you don’t want to play with making broth yourself, canned beef or chicken one will work as well, this will also save you some time.

You may dilute it with water since meatballs will contribute to broth as well.

How to Make Meat Broth

March 8th, 2009 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
How to Make Meat Broth

Meat broth (meat bouillon, clear soup) is a base for most of the soups and sauces, it can be added to stews or served as separate dish.

Meat Broth can be prepared with using basically any type of meat: beef, pork, chicken, any kind of fish. Most common recipes are using meat broths made of beef or chicken.

Beef Stroganoff

February 28th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Beef Stroganoff

I believe there are a lot of recipes which are called “Beef Stroganoff”. This one is the recipe my mom uses to prepare her Beef Stroganoff, so do I.

It goes very good with potato puree and even better with boiled buckwheat.