Fried Potatoes
May 24th, 2009 in Sides by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 35min

I think fried potatoes is one of the first dishes I learned how to do myself when I was a kid, well besides sandwiches of course. So believe me it is easy to do.
Fried potato is great side for any kind of fried main dishes: meat, poultry, fish or even vegetables. And unlike the french-fries (which is kind of similar food) fried potato use much smaller amount of salt and oil, so I believe it is a bit more healthy.
- 5 potatoes
- Sunflower or olive oil
- Salt
How to make, step-by-step:
- Wash and skin potatoes:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 1 - Slice potatoes into stripes. Don’t make stripes too thin – they will mash while frying, but don’t make them too thick either:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 2 - Warm up frying pan with 1-2 tbs of oil over moderate heat, add sliced potatoes:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 3 - Let potatoes to fry for 10 minutes, then turn them using the turner:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 4 - Cover the frying pan with a lid. Keep potatoes frying, repeat turning them from time to time till they are fried all over and are soft inside, then season with a salt by taste:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 5 - Fried Potatoes Side Dish is ready to be served:
Fried Potatoes Recipe: Step 6 - Fried Potatoes is good side dish for any kind of fried meat, fish, poultry or vegetables entrees. Here is a picture of fried potatoes as a side dish for chicken chops with cabbage salad. Enjoy!
Fried Potatoes Side Dish