Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms
December 31st, 2011 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 1h

If you are looking for easy to cook recipe for soft pureed soup with vegetables, mushrooms and cream this is it.
Boil vegetables, add fried onions and mushrooms and blend it all together with heavy cream. By the way, using hand blender makes cooking of this soup much easier.
If you want soup-puree to be more liquid, keep water left from boiling vegetables and add it to the soup at the end to receive desired thickness.
- 2lb of potatoes
- 2 big onions
- 2 carrots
- 1 parsnip or parsley root
- 1lb of mushrooms
- 1 pint of heavy cream
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- Greens (parsley, dill) for garnishing (optional)
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 1 -
Peel potatoes, parsnip and carrots, dice into similar size pieces, put into cooking pot, fill cooking pot with water so it covers vegetables and put on burner; bring to simmering:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 2 -
Peel and chop onions, warm up skillet with 2 table spoons of oil, add onions and fry over moderate heat until colored (stir from time to time):
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 3 -
Meanwhile clean and rinse mushrooms, slice in pieces and add to skillet with cooked onions, continue frying until all juices from mushrooms evaporate (stir from time to time), then turn burner off:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 4 -
When vegetables are fully cooked (are soft when you pierce them with a knife), drain liquid to other cooking pot (you may need it later), leave about an inch of liquid in:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 5 -
Add cooked mushrooms and onions:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 6 -
Puree vegetables with mushrooms using hand blender (or transfer to stand blender portion by portion and puree there):
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 7 -
Gradually blend all cream in:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 8 -
Add salt and ground black pepper:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 9 -
If you want soup to be more liquid add some water left from boiling vegetables to the pot and blend soup until totally homogeneous, put to burner and bring to boil (but don’t boil) and turn heat off:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 10 -
Pour soup to bowls:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 11 -
Season with chopped greens and serve:
Vegetable Soup-Puree with Mushrooms Recipe: Step 12