Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream
October 13th, 2012 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 40min

There is no better food for crispy fall weather than a cup of thick freshly cooked hot chowder.
This chowder is prepared using salmon and potato as main ingredients and cream and potato starch for thickening. Lemon is optional and can be omitted.
You can regulate thickness to your taste by adding more or less of the starch.
- 1.5lb of salmon fillet
- 1.5lb of potato
- 1 big onion
- 1.5 cups of heavy cream
- 3 tablespoons of potato starch
- 3 bay leaves
- 6 cups of water
- 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
- A tablespoon of butter
- Half of lemon
- Bunch of green parsley
- Ground black pepper
- Salt to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: if salmon has scale remove it, remove also any remaining bones:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 1 -
In a cooking pot, warm up 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil over moderate heat, peel and chop onions, fry them until softened and colored, stir from time to time:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 2 -
Add 6 cups of water:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 3 -
Bring to boil and add bay leaves:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 4 -
Peel potatoes and dice them for soup, add to the pot:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 5 -
Cook potatoes until almost ready, then add salmon diced into portion pieces:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 6 -
Cook fish over light simmer for about 5 mins, then add heavy cream:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 7 -
Dilute potato starch in 1-2 tablespoons of water and pour to the cooking pot then let chowder simmer until desired thickness (5-8 mins):
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 8 -
Add about tablespoon of butter, wait until it melted then remove pot from the burner:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 9 -
Add juice of half of the lemon:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 10 -
Chopped green parsley:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 11 -
Salt to taste:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 12 -
And season with ground black pepper:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 13 -
And mix, salmon and potato chowder with heavy cream is ready:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream Recipe: Step 14 -
Serve it hot on any cold day to warm up:
Salmon and Potato Chowder with Cream