
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Cranberry Sauce for Meat

November 17th, 2012 in Sauces & Dips & Spreads by
Total cooking time: 30min
Cranberry Sauce for Meat

Cranberry sauce seem to be one of traditional dishes served on Thanksgiving dinner.

Since I didn’t have many of these (being in US for about 4 years now and not having family here) I had to do a bit of research to find a recipe.

I apologize in advance if the recipe doesn’t look too traditional. Please, feel free to share yours in comments, I promise to try them out!


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 1
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up saucepan with a tablespoon of olive oil over moderate heat; peel and chop onions, add them to warmed up pan and fry until soft stirring from time to time (about 10 mins):
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 2
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 2
  3. While onions are cooking, wash thoroughly orange (maybe even scrub it with hot water) and grate zest from it (all orange skin from orange), set zest aside:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 3
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 3
  4. Peel rest of orange skin off and juice it (I used blender to chop it and then squeezed juice from pulp using cheese cloth; but citrus juicer will work as well, if I would have one under my hand):
    Put orange slices into blender bowl
    Put orange slices into blender bowl
    Chop them
    Chop them
    Pour over cheesecloth to a bowl
    Pour over cheesecloth to a bowl

    Pull cheesecloth ends together
    Pull cheesecloth ends together
    And squeeze juice out
    And squeeze juice out
    Get the juice
    Get the juice

  5. When onions are ready, add rinsed cranberry to the pot to onions:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 5
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 5
  6. Add all orange zest:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 6
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 6
  7. Pour orange juice in:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 7
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 7
  8. And add 3 tablespoons of honey; mix everything and let it cook over low heat until berries become soft (about 10 mins):
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 8
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 8
  9. Crush berries with spatula, add red wine and cook sauce for 10 mins more, if you want sauce to be more liquid – add some water:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 9
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat Recipe: Step 9
  10. Cool cranberry sauce till room temperature and serve with roast meat or poultry. Store prepared sauce in fridge:
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat
    Cranberry Sauce for Meat

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