Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger
December 29th, 2018 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Salads, Sides by Julia Volhina
All beets lovers out there (how ever many there are of you), this recipe is for you: cooked beets with sweet oranges dressed up with spicy ginger, red wine vinegar and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I make this one with roasted beets (wrap washed beets skin on in foil, put them into a pan and stick into oven warmed up to 355F for about 1.5h, or more or less depending on their size).
Boiled ones will work as well (see instructions for boiling beets if needed). I never tried this salad with precooked beets.
Size, taste (and sweetness) of both beets and oranges is something which may vary greatly, so there is a lot “to taste” measurements. You don’t want sweetness to be overpowering (this is where vinegar and salt come to help, using rather sour oranges will help as well). Also people have variable “tolerance” to taste of ginger, start small and add more to taste. Just be creative, you will not be disappointed.
- 2 medium size beets, boiled or roasted until desired softness
- 2 medium size oranges
- 3/4 inch of fresh ginger (more or less to taste)
- Red wine vinegar to taste
- Salt to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: if you boil (or like I did, roast) beets yourself, then let them cool down till room temperature prior to assembling the salad:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 1 -
Remove skin from cooked beets:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 2 -
Wash oranges (scraping them a bit maybe a good idea as well), then zest them both. Also peel ginger and grate it (or chop, whatever you prefer):
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 3 -
Dice beets into even pieces and arrange them in a mixing bowl:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 4 -
Sprinkle with red wine vinegar to taste, mix:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 5 -
Slice one orange in half, peel one half and set another one aside, peel the second orange also, and then slice peeled 1.5 orange, add oranges to the bowl:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 6 -
Add grated ginger and zest of oranges you’ve prepared earlier:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 7 -
Mix everything, add salt to taste:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 8 -
Squeeze juice of remaining half of the orange in:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 9 -
Mix again and set aside into cooler place to settle, for about an hour:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger: Step 10 -
Then serve as a side or a salad:
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger