Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad
July 6th, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 15min

This is an easy salad with boiled beans, fresh bell pepper and cucumber which can be assembled in under a 15 mins if you are fast with chopping and dicing.
Any kind of beans will work for this recipe, you can also boil beans yourself instead of using canned ones, just let them cool down till room temperature before adding them to the salad.
Fresh green parsley can be substituted for cilantro if you don’t like cilantro or can find it for some reason. But I like taste of bean salad with cilantro the most.
- 16oz can of plain red kidney beans
- ½ of english cucumber, or couple of baby cucumbers
- 1 medium size bell pepper
- Bunch of cilantro
- 1 small garlic clove
- Mayo to taste
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: rinse vegetables:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 1 -
Pour beans from the can to a colander put over a pot or a sink, rinse beans with water to remove any residue produced by boiling and canning, and let all liquid to drain:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 2 -
Slice bell pepper in half, remove all seeds and stem, then dice and move to a mixing bowl:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 3 -
Peel cucumber and dice it too:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 4 -
Add drained beans:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 5 -
Add chopped cilantro:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 6 -
Peel and press garlic clove into the bowl:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 7 -
Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 8 -
Dress with mayo:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 9 -
And mix everything:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 10 -
Serve salad as an appetizer, a side dish or a course on itself:
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad Recipe: Step 11