Quick Fried Beef with Onions
June 6th, 2015 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 25min

This is amazingly quick recipe for fried beef. Perfect dish for when you have some beef frozen up and you need to throw a dinner together quick and easy.
You don’t even need to thaw it all the way, meat will actually be much easier to slice if it is frozen a bit. Just make sure you use sharp knife.
Now, time to cook will depend on the meat cut – the softer meat is the lesser time to cook it will require. Just try from time to time until it is soft enough.
- 1-1.5lb of beef sirloin or another cut
- 1 big onion
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- Oil for frying
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 1 -
Slice barely thawed beef into very thin stripes (like 2-3 millimeters thin) using sharp knife:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 2 -
Peel onion, slice it into half circles, warm up big skillet over moderate heat and fry onions only they are soft and gain a bit of color, stir from time to time:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 3 -
Once onions are ready, increase heat a bit, add all meat in:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 4 -
Fry meat together with onions, until meat is cooked to your liking of softness, stir from time to time:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 5 -
Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste, mix everything:
Recipe for Quick Fried Beef with Onions: Step 6 -
And serve:
Quick Fried Beef with Onions