Pork Schnitzels (Beaten Pork Cutlets)
November 21st, 2009 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 45min

Schnitzels or beaten cutlets can be prepared of almost any kind of meat: pork, beef, vial, lamb, chicken or even turkey.
The preparation method stays pretty much the same for any of those: you take meat, tenderize it, dip into flour (or breadcrumbs), dip into egg mix and fry. It is that easy!
Of course it is your choice which meat to use: pork is usually more fat and considered less healthy choice before beef, vial or chicken, however beaten pork cutlets are more juicy and tasty, so I prefer to use pork for this recipe.
- 5-7 slices of pork sirloin cutlets (about 2.5-3lb in total)
- 2-3 eggs
- 2 cups of all purpose flour
- Salt
- Ground black pepper
- Sunflower or olive oil
How to prepare, step-by-step:
I used sliced pork sirloin, however you can also buy a whole piece and slice it yourself. I can also say pork shoulder part will do as good as sirloin. So let’s prepare ingredients, if you you have a whole piece of meat, rinse it with cold water and slice into pieces 1/3 – 1/2 of inch:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 1 -
Crack eggs into a bowl, add pinch of salt, pinch of ground black pepper and mix:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 2 -
Season each piece of meat with salt from both sizes and beat them with meat tenderizer (both sizes as well):
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 3 -
Put a skillet on moderate heat burner and add about 2 tablespoons of oil. While skillet is warming up, pour flour into deep plate or a wide bowl, take one tenderized cutlet and dip it with one side to the flour:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 4 -
Flip the cutlet and make sure it is covered with flour from both sides evenly:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 5 -
Dip the cutlet into the egg mix from one side:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 6 -
Flip it to the other side, and again make sure it is covered evenly:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 7 -
Put the cutlet to the warmed up skillet and fry it for about 3-4 mins on each side until cooked through (increase cooking time if pork slices are thick). Repeat the procedure with all cutlets:
Pork Schnitzels Recipe: Step 8 -
Serve pork schnitzels warm, for lunch or dinner, with your choice of side dish. On this photo pork schnitzel is served with potato puree and steamed broccoli:
Pork Schnitzels
“Dip”, not “deep”.
Certainly, thanks!
I just tried this, it is amazing! We will be using this one from now on. Thank you for this!!!
Wow… the lightness of those cutlets looks awesome! I’ve got to give this a whirl 😀