
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)

January 30th, 2016 in Beef, Main Dishes by
Total cooking time: 1h 20min
Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe

EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form of cabbage and meat patties baked under tomato and sour cream sauce.

Again, they are much easier and faster to prepare comparing to traditional cabbage rolls (this is why they are called “lazy”), but taste is very similar.

These patties constitute complete meal, but some vegetables or salads can be served along as a side dish.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 1
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 1
  2. Boil rice to until it is almost ready (see step-by-step instructions if needed), pour it over to colander to drain all water out and set it aside to cool down:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 2
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 2
  3. Warm up deep skillet with a bit of oil, peel and chop onions, add them to the skillet and fry over medium heat until softened and slightly colored, stir from time to time:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 3
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 3
  4. While onions are cooking, peel and grate carrot over big slots; once onions are ready add carrots to the skillet, continue cooking carrots and onions together for about 5 mins, stir from time to time:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 4
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 4
  5. Meanwhile, chop cabbage (you can do it with a knife or a shredder, but some kind of food processor works best here), discard hard stem part; start gradually adding chopped cabbage to the skillet (it may seem that there a too much cabbage to fit, but the volume will reduce with cooking), until all cabbage is in:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 5
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 5
  6. Cook all vegetables over moderate heat for 10 mins together (you want to get soft cabbage); continue stirring:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 6
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 6
  7. Move cooked vegetables to a mixing bowl:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 7
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 7
  8. Add cooked rice; mix it all and let it cool down to room temperature:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 8
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 8
  9. Then peel and press garlic cloves in:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 9
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 9
  10. Add chopped dill:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 10
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 10
  11. Mix again:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 11
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 11
  12. Add all ground meat:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 12
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 12
  13. Season with salt and pepper to taste:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 13
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 13
  14. Crack an egg in:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 14
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 14
  15. And mix everything well (I used hands):
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 15
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 15
  16. Let’s mix sauce (you will need about 1.5-1.75 cups of sauce, use water or vegetable broth to add up to the mixture of sour cream and tomato sauce (or paste) to get this amount or sauce):
    Take sour cream
    Take sour cream
    Add tomato sauce and water (if needed)
    Add tomato sauce and water (if needed)
    Add salt and pepper to taste
    Add salt and pepper to taste

  17. Warm oven to 365F. Form patties (for each scoop meat mixture with a tablespoon, roll meatball and then press it from two sides to receive a patty) and then arrange patties in a deep baking pan:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 17
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 17
  18. Pour sauce over patties:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 18
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 18
  19. Put baking pan to warmed up oven for 30 mins:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 19
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe: Step 19
  20. Serve hot with sauce poured over:
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe
    Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties Recipe

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