Chicken Stuffed Leeks
May 26th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 1h 20min

When I saw recipe for stuffed leeks first time I decided for myself that I get to try cook something like this for sure: it looks unusual, have a lot of vegetables and doesn’t look hard to cook.
I decided to stuff them with chicken mince and rice and accompany it with tomato and bell pepper mix.
I did 2 layers pipes, but if you want to use less leeks you can separate leeks into 1 layer.
- 2-4 leeks
- 1lb of minced chicken meat
- 3 tablespoons to rice
- 1 egg
- 3 tomatoes
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 cup of dry white wine
- Ground black pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- Tablespoon of oil
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: amount of leeks depends on their size as well as whatever you use single layers or double:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 1 -
Fill cooking pot with water, salt and bring to boil, add rice and boil it until it is half ready, then pour it to colander and cool down to room temperature (I didn’t make a picture with 3 tablespoons of boil rice, used a pic from other recipe):
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 2 -
Clean leeks, slice whiter part of them into pieces about 2 inches long (don’t make them too long, or it will be hard to separate tubes), put into bowl with cold water for 5-10 mins:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 3 -
Mix minced chicken with egg and salt and pepper:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 4 -
Add boiled rice and mix:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 5 -
Separate 1 or 2 top layers of leeks into tubes (you can do single layers to double to keep better forms), leave remaining leeks for sauce:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 6 -
Using teaspoon stuff chicken and rice mince into leek tubes:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 7 -
Warm up skillet with a tablespoon of oil over moderate heat, slice remaining leeks or only part of it into circles, add to the warmed up skillet and cook stirring occasionally for 5-8 minutes:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 8 -
Dice tomatoes and add them to the skillet as well:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 9 -
Remove seeds from bell pepper, dice it and add to the skillet, fry vegetables together for 5-8 min more, stir from time to time:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 10 -
Pour a bit of vegetable mix to a deep pot, arrange stuffed leeks in one layer (if you need more than one layer, pour a bit of vegetable mix between them):
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 11 -
Pour remaining vegetable mix over layer with leeks, salt to taste if you like:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 12 -
And add white dry wine, cover pot with a lid, put on burner, bring to simmer and let it cook for 40 minutes, then turn heat off and let dish settle for 20 mins more:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks Recipe: Step 13 -
Serve stuffed leeks together with vegetables, pour with produced juices, if you add a tablespoon of sour cream:
Chicken Stuffed Leeks