Beef Stroganoff
February 28th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 1h

I believe there are a lot of recipes which are called “Beef Stroganoff”. This one is the recipe my mom uses to prepare her Beef Stroganoff, so do I.
It goes very good with potato puree and even better with boiled buckwheat.
- 2 lb of round roast beef
- 1 big onion
- 4-5 bay leaves
- 2-3 spoons of all purpose flour
- Black pepper
- Sunflower oil
- Salt by taste
How to make, step-by-step:
- Prepare the following ingredients:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 1 - Skin onion and slice it into half-rings:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 2 - Warm up frying pan with the 2 tablespoons of oil on low heat. Put onion on a pan and fry it till it become yellow (approx. 10-15 mins):
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 3 -
While onion if being prepared you need to cut meat into stripes, it will be easier to do if meat is a bit frozen. So start with slicing meat into pieces of ¼ of the inch (approx.), like it is shown on the photo below:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 4 - After, cut each pf pieces into stripes:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 5 - You will get stripes like the following:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 6 -
When onion is ready (it gains yellow color), increase heat under the frying pan, move onion to the side of the pan and put there meat. You need to fry all meat over on the high heat, don’t forget to steer onion so it won’t burn:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 7 -
After you fried each meat piece over, mix meat with onion, add salt, black pepper and all bay leaves. Put lid on, reduce heat to low and let meet stew for 10-15 mins, depends of the quality of your meat you may need to let it stew for more time if you are tasting meat and it looks too hard:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 8 -
When meat is ready, remove lid and strew 2-3 table spoons flour over the meat, steer everything, put lid on and let it stew for 5 mins more. Make sure heat is not high to avoid flour from burning:
Beef Stroganoff Recipe: Step 9 - Turn the heat off, Beef Stroganoff is ready! I think boiled buckwheat is the best choice of side for this dish:
Beef Stroganoff with Buckwheat Side
Your grammar is terrible.