Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs
September 21st, 2013 in Food Decoration by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 30min

Many stores started moving their Halloween products to prime spots in preparation to the holiday.
It seems a bit early to me, but hey, at least these are not Thanksgiving turkeys or Christmas decorations yet (even though some shops are probably thinking about dusting off some of these too).
So I decided to get on this train as well, and this week post will be not really a recipe (even though it has something to do with food), but rather a food decoration how-to.
This is a first one for me, so I hope you like it. Any kind of deviled eggs will look good with these spiders on, however choose these which also taste good with olives you are going to use.
- 12 deviled egg halves of your choice
- 12 olives of assorted colors
- Chopped greens for garnishing (optional)
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 1 -
One olive will make one spider (and a bit of leftover pieces which you can just eat afterwards). So take one olive and slice it in half lengthwise:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 2 -
Leave one half aside (it will be used for a “spider body”) and slice second one in half lengthwise one more time:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 3 -
Now turn olive quarters perpendicular to your knife and slice them into thin stripes (eight of these will make “spider legs”):
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 4 -
Arrange “spider body” piece in the middle of the stuffing mix of a deviled egg half:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 5 -
Carefully stick 4 “spider leg” on one side:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 6 -
And then arrange other 4 legs on the other side symmetrically:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 7 -
You will get something like this:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 8 -
Now just repeat the same procedure for all olives and egg halves:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 9 -
And season spider decorated deviled eggs with chopped greens (parsley, green onions, dill, or such) and serve:
Halloween Spider Decoration for Deviled Eggs: Step 10