Fresh Peach Pie
July 30th, 2016 in Desserts by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 3h 30min

In continuation of a peach topic (remember, I got a whole box of juicy tender sweet Georgia peaches?) I present to you the fresh peach pie recipe.
Almost hassle free (especially if you use ready to bake pie shell as I did) and very tasty (if ripe sweet tasty peaches are used). Peaches remain uncooked (only shell is baked) and taste as fresh as they can be.
I used leftover peach kompot to prepare gelatin topping for this pie. Peach juice can be used instead (if it doesn’t contain pineapple in it). A bit of peach preserves mixed with some water to get needed amount and consistency will work as well.
- 6 fresh sweet ripe but somewhat firm peaches
- 2 tbsp of unflavored gelatin (1/4 oz)
- 0.5-0.75 cups of peach kompot or juice (not all may be used)
- 1 ready to bake pie shell
- 4oz mascarpone cheese
- 1-1.5 tbsp of confectioners (powdered) sugar
- Vanilla sugar to taste (a little bit really)
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 1 -
Warm up oven, pierce raw pie shell in several places with a fork, and bake until ready according to baking instructions on the packaging (about 25 mins on 350F):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 2 -
While shell is in the oven, pour gelatin to a pot:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 3 -
Add peach kompot liquid (or juice) or mix of peach preserve with water (to get about 0.5-0.75 cups in total) to the pot, let it soak for 2-3 mins, then mix everything and put on slow burner. Cook gelatin with the liquid stirring from time to time until gelatin is fully dissolved (but don’t let it boil), then set it aside to cool down (the liquid should get close to viscous consistency):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 4 -
Once pie shell is ready, take it out of the oven and set aside to cool down as well:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 5 -
Blanch peaches (see step-by-step instructions if needed):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 6 -
Make an incision in each blanched peach all the way around the peach up to the pit, then make another incision to quarter the peach and then carefully separate peach quarters off the pit, remove any hard fibers coming off the pit along with the pit, set peach quarters aside:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 7 -
Move mascarpone cheese to a bowl and add vanilla sugar to taste:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 8 -
Add all confectioners sugar and mix everything:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 9 -
Once pie shell is cooled down to room temperature, evenly spread cheese and sugar mixture on the bottom of it:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 10 -
Slice each peach quarter in 2-3 even parts and neatly arrange them in the pie shell in 2-3 layers (try to avoid having too much empty space between pieces as well as between peaches and shell sides):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 11 -
Spread the prepared gelatin liquid on top using spoon (and if needed a brush, make sure to cover all peaches with the liquid to preserve their freshness for longer):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 12 -
And put pie into fridge for about 3 hours (for gelatin to harden):
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 13 -
Once gelatin solidified all the way the fresh peach pie is ready, slice it up in portion pieces:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 14 -
And serve:
Fresh Peach Pie: Step 15