
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

No Yeast Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant)

February 22nd, 2014 in Tips, Advices & How-to by
Total cooking time: 3h 30min
Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant)

Real puff pastry dough is taking a lot of time to make from scratch, most of the times it is easier to just buy it instead. Another alternative could be to try this easier and much faster variant.

Disclaimer first: this dough will probably not be a best choice for some fancy croissants or so, but it will work great for layered cakes, pies, sugar cookies, and such.

Either butter or margarine will work for this recipe, I used margarine. Make sure you don’t let ingredients and dough itself warm up, if you need to pause while making the dough, put it to the fridge to cool down.

Prepared dough can be used right away, or can be frozen for later use, make sure to use freezer bag.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: margarine should be cold, so should be water:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 1
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 1
  2. Dilute salt and sugar with water, set aside:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 2
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 2
  3. Pour 2 cups of flour into shallow wide mixing bowl:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 3
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 3
  4. Chop margarine sticks into smaller pieces to the bowl:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 4
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 4
  5. Using pair of dull knifes or a fork (like me) mash/cut margarine into smaller pieces allowing them to get coated by the flour in the same time. You goal is to get pieces about pie size big, evenly covered with flour:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 5
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 5
  6. Add water mixed with salt and sugar:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 6
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 6
  7. Mix with fork:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 7
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 7
  8. And then form cohesive ball of dough:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 8
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 8
  9. Cover bowl with food wrap and put it to the fridge for at least 3 hours (you can leave it there overnight):
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 9
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 9
  10. After dough cooled down, turn it over wooden board dusted with flour, knead with few strokes and then roll thin with rolling pin dusted with flour (don’t care about shape, you can make it more square later in the process):
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 10
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 10
  11. Fold dough in thirds along the long side, then fold in half to the center:
    Fold one third to the center
    Fold one third to the center
    Then another third from another side
    Then another third from another side
    Then another third from another side
    Then another third from another side

  12. Roll the formed dough envelope thin, dust with flour lightly and fold it the same way again:
    Roll dough
    Roll dough
    Fold thirds
    Fold thirds
    Form dough envelope
    Form dough envelope

  13. Roll the dough again, at this point it is ready to be used:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 13
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 13
  14. But if you don’t plan to use it right away, fold it again, put into a freezer bag and store in freezer until needed:
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 14
    Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant): Step 14

12 Responses to “No Yeast Puff Pastry Dough (Faster Variant)”

  1. Kailey says:

    Love it so much. Worked like a charm!

  2. Aiden Campbell says:

    How long should I leave them in for?

  3. Anne says:

    Would I be able to make croissants with this dough? If so, would the oven temp be the same? How long would you recommend I bake them? If I do freeze the dough for later use, how should I thaw it? Anything is helpful! Thanks!

  4. Beka says:

    Can you give baking instructions? Temp?

  5. Ryan says:

    Can this recipe work as a pie dough?

  6. Debby says:

    This recipe didnt work out! The dough was a sticky, gross mess, im sorry to be harsh but i dont recommend this recipe…

  7. Nita Back says:

    i love it so much

  8. Kate says:

    I’m so happy to see this easy but homemade puff pastry recipe. Thankyou for all the recipes I love and use 🙂

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