Category: Main Dishes (Page 26 of 29)
Fried Potato with Mushrooms
February 27th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Potatoes fried with porcini mushrooms is one of the most delicious lenten recipes. It is also very-very russian. I believe russians eat that kind of food for centuries 🙂
This main dish contains no meat, however mushrooms perfectly substitute meat in both – taste and nutrients – they contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre while are low on fat and easily absorbed carbohydrates.
All of that make potato fried with mushrooms and onions perfect main dish for Lent. Needles to say what any combination of potatoes with mushrooms can’t taste bad, so I really hope you will enjoy this dish just like I do.
Deruny (Potato Pancakes)
February 6th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Potato pancakes, prepared from fresh chopped or grated potatoes, onions, eggs and flour, are commonly associated with various cuisines of Europe. In Ukraine they are called “deruny”, in Russia and Belarus “draniki”; similar recipes can be found in Polish, German, Austrian, Czech cuisines.
Potato pancakes are usually a main no meat dish for lunch or breakfast; it tastes good topped with sour cream or mushroom sauce.
Even though potato pancakes are good enough as a separate dish, they can be also served as a side dish for vegetable or meat main dish course.
Minced Beef Cutlets
January 23rd, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
This it a traditional russian recipe for minced meat cutlets which includes meat, white bread soaked in milk and a lot of onions. Some people prepare those cutlets from beef only, some add a bit of pork or pork fat in them. I prefer just beef.
You may grind or mince meat yourself or buy a ground one and simply add finely chopped or grated onions: whatever you prefer. Either way I am sure it will taste delicious!
I’ve served those cutlets with fried potatoes and greek salad, just in case you were curious.
Bigos (Cabbage and Pork Stew)
December 19th, 2009 in Pork by Julia Volhina
Bigos, as a cabbage and meat stew, is very popular second course dish in countries of East Europe. I believe it was originated in Poland, however recipes similar to polish bigos can be found in cuisines of Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and maybe some others. In Poland bigos is traditional dish to be served on Second day of Christmas.
Ingredients for bigos vary, some of them may or may not include tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, onions, garlic, honey and even prunes; beef, veal, pork, bacon, smoked ham, smoked sausages or a combination of those.
However common parts for each bigos recipe are some kind of meat, white cabbage and sauerkraut.
I cook bigos (by the way it is called “solyanka” in Russia and Ukraine, even though there is a soup with the same name) with pork, a lot of cabbage (fresh and sour), carrots, onions, bay leaves and spice it with whole black peppercorns, just like it was always cooked in my family. Hope you will like it too.
Bacon and Eggs with Tomatoes
December 5th, 2009 in Eggs, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Fried eggs dishes are usually breakfast food, however they are also coming handy when you need to prepare and eat something fast.
Fried eggs with bacon and tomatoes is my favorite way of preparing eggs: easy, tasty and fast. The ingredients in recipe will make a portion for a breakfast for two, adjust amounts if you need more or less.
Cherry or campari tomatoes are perfect for this dish, but if you have any other kind – that will work as well. And if you don’t like bacon for some reasons – replace it with half spoon of butter, however I advice to keep it in, for the perfect taste.
Pork Schnitzels (Beaten Pork Cutlets)
November 21st, 2009 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Schnitzels or beaten cutlets can be prepared of almost any kind of meat: pork, beef, vial, lamb, chicken or even turkey.
The preparation method stays pretty much the same for any of those: you take meat, tenderize it, dip into flour (or breadcrumbs), dip into egg mix and fry. It is that easy!
Of course it is your choice which meat to use: pork is usually more fat and considered less healthy choice before beef, vial or chicken, however beaten pork cutlets are more juicy and tasty, so I prefer to use pork for this recipe.
Salmon under Capers and Dill Sauce
October 30th, 2009 in Fish, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Capers and dill, butter, wine and shallots – those are ingredients of very good sauce for fish. Personally I pick salmon, because it is especially good when boiled or even simmered like in this recipe. However I think it will work with other kind of fish without any problem.
Should I also remind you what fish is an important part of the healthy diet?
Got a romantic dinner coming up and want to surprise your date with something special? I recommend this tender salmon dish, especially if after preparing of it you still have a few sips of Chardonnay left to accompany it with.