Category: Beef (Page 6 of 7)
Fried Beef Liver with Onions
April 24th, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Liver is an irreplaceable source of various nutrients which are very important for human health. It has biggest concentration of a vitamin A comparing to all other food sources; natural source of vitamin D, B12 and C, phosphorus and copper; it is high on protein of animal origin; and the most important, it is rich source of easily absorbed iron – that made liver a part of the treatment for pernicious anemia.
Saying all of that, I was very surprised of how hard it was to find fresh beef liver in a local shops (true to tell I didn’t try a local farmer markets, didn’t locate any around yet). I am also pretty sure, what liver dishes are not very popular in this part of the earth globe, however they are traditional in Europe: Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and a believe a lot of other countries.
So here is my attempt to fix that: fried beef liver with onions – is perfect lunch or dinner dish, it is very easy to cook and, as I already mentioned above, it is very nutritious. Important tip: do not overcook liver, to preserve as much goodness as you can.
Stewed Beef with Onions
March 27th, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
It felt like a time for some nice beef stew recipe, so here it goes: beef stewed with onions is a dish my mom was always cooking, when I was little. Well, maybe she didn’t put a wine, but besides of that – that is the dish I am used to from my childhood.
It is very easy to do, probably the easiest stew recipe I know, and doesn’t take much time to cook. Wine adds a nice hint to the taste, but it is completely optional: just replace it with a cup of water if you don’t have a cup of dry red wine.
This dish goes good with mashed potatoes or boiled buckwheat as a side dish.
Minced Beef Cutlets
January 23rd, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
This it a traditional russian recipe for minced meat cutlets which includes meat, white bread soaked in milk and a lot of onions. Some people prepare those cutlets from beef only, some add a bit of pork or pork fat in them. I prefer just beef.
You may grind or mince meat yourself or buy a ground one and simply add finely chopped or grated onions: whatever you prefer. Either way I am sure it will taste delicious!
I’ve served those cutlets with fried potatoes and greek salad, just in case you were curious.
Beef Stew with Vegetables
August 22nd, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
One of the most delicious ways to prepare beef is to stew it with vegetables. Stewed meat shares its juices with vegetables which makes the dish not only nutritious but also very tasty. Stews are a bit time consuming to prepare, but it is totally worth it. Serve stews hot without side dish.
In this post I’ve prepared beef stew with potato, bean, carrots and tomatoes. Read step-by-step instructions how to prepare Beef Stew with Vegetables with pictures.
Moussakas (Greek Eggplant Casserole)
July 25th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
In Greek cuisine, moussakas (moussaka, musakka) is a layered casserole made of vegetables (eggplant as a main ingredient) and minced meat.
It takes a bit of time and require some coordination in order to make it. But even if you spend a lot of time preparing moussakas, it totally worth it! It is great dish, and it tastes good served as hot as well as cold.
Tzatziki is good addition for Moussakas Casserole.
Meat with Prunes
June 6th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
For meat with prunes you can use either pork or beef. I think, pork tastes even better prepared this way, especially if prunes you have are not too sweet, so I advise you to go with pork.
However if you don’t like pork for some reasons or if you don’t have it just like I did when I were writing this article, you can use beef. I must say it tastes also delicious!