Sour Cherry Kompot
June 7th, 2014 in Beverages, Non-alcoholic by Julia Volhina
I was hunting for fresh sour cherries to prepare this one for few years. Then I discovered a package of frozen pie cherries (tart cherries, sour cherries) in a store (yea, I know, should have checked freezer section long ago).
Anyway, now there is no need to wait for fresh ones anymore, since these will work the same good for the kompot, they are a lot cheaper and are much easier to find.
Disclaimer: usually sour cherry kompot is made of fresh sour cherries (if you have access to them by a sane price) with pits in.
Removing pits (or using pitless ones) makes it easier to consume cherries from the kompot (even though I kind of like when pits are in, maybe it reminds me of the sour cherry kompots imported from Bulgaria which we were getting occasionally for winter holidays are kids).
- 2-2.5lb of sour cherry, pits in or out, fresh or frozen
- 0.75-1 gallon of water
- 1-1.5 cups of sugar
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: if you use fresh sour cherries, remove stems and wash them thoroughly:
Sour Cherry Kompot Recipe: Step 1 -
Pour water and a cup of sugar to the cooking pot:
Sour Cherry Kompot Recipe: Step 2 -
Add cherries in and put pot on moderate burner:
Sour Cherry Kompot Recipe: Step 3 -
Bring pot to slow simmer, then remove pot from the burner. Taste kompot, add more sugar if you like it sweeter; then set pot aside to cool down:
Sour Cherry Kompot Recipe: Step 4 -
And serve: warm or cooled down, with or without cherries:
Sour Cherry Kompot Recipe: Step 5