Peach Kompot
July 16th, 2016 in Beverages, Non-alcoholic by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 20min

It is a peach season and I managed to acquire big box of Georgia peaches which are very sweet and tasty and don’t have long shelf life.
So a portion of these peaches made their way into this Peach Kompot (in Russian “kompot” stands for a boiled fruit drink).
As any kompot, Peach kompot is pretty easy to make: just boil peaches with a bit of sugar and cool it down to infuse.
Removing skin from peaches makes them nice to consume, but you don’t have to do it if it seem like a hassle: just slice peaches in halves and remove pits, skin will get separated during boiling process by itself.
- 2lb of fresh whole sweet peaches
- 2-2.5 quarts of water
- 0.5 cups of sugar
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: rinse peaches, remove stem parts if they have any:
Peach Kompot: Step 1 -
Bring a pot of water to boil and working in batches blanch (remove skin) each peach (see step-by-step instructions if needed):
Peach Kompot: Step 2 -
Make an incision in each blanched peach all the way around the peach up to the pit, and then make another incision to quarter the peach and then carefully separate peach quarters off the pit, remove any hard fibers coming off the pit along with the pit:
Peach Kompot: Step 3 -
Fill a cooking pot with about 2.5 pints of water and pour peach quarters in:
Peach Kompot: Step 4 -
Bring water to slow simmer and boil kompot for about 5 minutes:
Peach Kompot: Step 5 -
Add sugar in:
Peach Kompot: Step 6 -
Turn heat off and set pot aside to cool down to room temperature and infuse:
Peach Kompot: Step 7 -
Pour kompot into glasses:
Peach Kompot: Step 8 -
Serve kompot chilled down or at room temperature, with or without peach quorters. Store leftovers in fridge:
Peach Kompot: Step 9