
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Eggplant Rolls

March 6th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by
Total cooking time: 1h 20min
Eggplant Rolls

I don’t have much to say about this recipe, it mostly says for itself: eggplants and tomatoes – main ingredients – are good combination and garlic doesn’t make it any worse.

This recipe isn’t much hassle to prepare and ingredients don’t cost much; so you can easy get to advised 5 servings of vegetables per day and even enjoy it.

Eggplant rolls taste better while fresh, so prepare them right before serving.


How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 1
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 1
  2. Slice eggplant lengthways into even pieces about ΒΌ of inch thick:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 2
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 2
  3. Rub every slice thoroughly with salt, put them all into some pan and leave for 15-20 mins. Eggplants will produce some juice, so take a pan with sides:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 3
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 3
  4. Rinse each slice with cold water:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 4
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 4
  5. Pat each piece with paper towel from each side:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 5
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 5
  6. Warm up a skillet with 2 tbsp of sunflower or olive oil over moderate heat and fry each piece of eggplant from each side until soft and browened in color:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 6
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 6
  7. Slice tomatoes in circles and peel garlic cloves:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 7
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 7
  8. Now it is time to assemble rolls: repeat next instructions for all slices of eggplant. Arrange a slice of tomato in the middle of the eggplant piece add a bit of garlic pressed thought press:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 8
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 8
  9. Season with ground black pepper and add a drop of mayonnaise:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 9
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 9
  10. Top with chopped dill:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 10
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 10
  11. Fold left and right sides to form a roll:
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 11
    Eggplant Rolls Recipe: Step 11
  12. Repeat for the rest of eggplant and tomatoes. Serve warm or cooled down to room temperature as appetizer:
    Eggplant Rolls
    Eggplant Rolls

4 Responses to “Eggplant Rolls”

  1. Kim says:

    I make this all the time,my friend from Kyrgyzstan taught me the recipe. I dip the eggplants in beaten eggs and then fry them. It’s always a hit when I bring it to parties. Very Yummy!!! One of my favorites!!

  2. Mike says:

    I believe sourcream will work better than mayonnaise here, but its my humble opinion. A+++ recipe for summer, I love it!

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