Seared Summer Squash
April 6th, 2013 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 20min

Easy and quick to make dish for summer squashes or zucchini. I actually used both to make this dish looking more festive.
I believe it is also light, especially if amount of oil used is reduced to minimum, squashes are actually being cooked in their own juices.
Seared squashes can be served as a dish on its own or as a side dish for a meat main course.
- 1lb of summer squash or zucchini, or a combination of these
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 tbsp of chopped fresh greens (parsley and dill)
- Thyme to taste
- Salt to taste
- 1 tbsp of oil
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 1 -
Rinse squash, remove stem parts and slice them into stripes about 1/5 of inch thick lengthwise:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 2 -
Warm frying pan up with a tablespoon of oil over moderate heat, add sliced squash and cook, when slices at the bottom become softer, shuffle them around to cook evenly until all slices are soft:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 3 -
Salt to taste:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 4 -
Season with thyme:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 5 -
Peel garlic clove, press it to the pan, mix and cook for 3 mins more:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 6 -
Then season with fresh chopped greens:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 7 -
Mix and remove from the burner:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 8 -
Serve as a side dish for meat or vegetable dish on its own:
Seared Summer Squash Recipe: Step 9