Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring
April 2nd, 2011 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Total cooking time: 20min

Looking for bright colors for fresh and energetic start of the day? This is your recipe: easy nutritious breakfast eggs and very fun looking also, when prepared accurately. I bet your kids will love them as much as I do.
I usually pick green peppers, they look good in combination with yellow-white eggs and red tomatoes. But any color will work here, just make sure you select big and nice shaped pepper.
Don’t worry if egg white spills around the bell pepper ring, you can easily remove it later on with spatula.
- 2 eggs
- 1 tomato
- 1 bell pepper
- Butter
- Salt and ground black pepper to taste
- Leaf of fresh dill for decoration
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients: pick big and wide bell pepper, smaller tomato and eggs:
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 1 -
Rinse bell pepper, remove stem and seeds and cut 2 big rings about 1/3” thick. Warm up skillet over moderate low heat and grease it with butter, add them to the skillet and fry on one side for about 3 mins:
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 2 -
Slice 2 thin circles of tomato and position them in the middle of the bell pepper rings and season with salt and fry for 1-2 mins more (btw, you will not need the remaining part of the bell pepper as well as tomato, you can use them for decoration however):
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 3 -
Carefully crack an egg into one of the bell pepper rings right over the tomato, don’t worry if a bit of egg white gets out, you can simply remove it later on (but if too much spills that is a sign to get bigger bell pepper, or slice rings thicker, or use smaller eggs):
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 4 -
And then repeat with another one:
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 5 -
Season with salt and ground black pepper:
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 6 -
Cook eggs until cooked though the way you like (use lid if you want them medium or well done):
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 7 -
Turn heat off, carefully remove egg white around bell pepper rings with spatula, decorate with fresh dill and serve with toasts:
Eggs Fried with Tomato in Bell Pepper Ring Recipe: Step 8
Sunny I made this but used orange bell pepper (less the tomato), seasoned with Penzey’s Sunny Paris and topped off with sharp cheddar cheese for my wife and me. My daughter wanted Colby Jack cheese. It was a hit for our Sunday breakfast.
Ill try this tomorrow for breakfast..
Crowd pleaser with a dash of Tabasco.
If you like to drink eggs not eat them this is the perfect recipe. The tomato and the butom of the pepper burns the hell out and the egg remains raw… beside this I redecorate the kitchen….
I’m not sure but I think the egg is prepared separately and then inserted into the bell pepper…
How do I pin this?
Unfortunately, you will have to use the pinterest website itself to pin it. I can’t figure out why their JS snippet doesn’t work.
UPD: I think I figured out what was wrong, and tried to correct it, can you verify on your side if it is working for you?
Pretty interesting idea! I never knew you could make bell peppers into rings for that sunny-side up dish. Will try this for next breakfast. 🙂
just made this (: awesome, chopped up a turkey hotdog and onions. deff a good way to start off a diet. thank you!!!
I tried. But it came out good. I was so close but it was still taste good
Wow thanks now I have something to cook for my mom tomorow in the morning as a way of telling her thank you for all your hard work (:
Hi, Your recipe is great but – I’m having some trouble with it.
My egg is too runny and takes too long to cook. By the time its somewhat firm, the bottom is black and awful. Even turning up the heat doesn’t help… it just burns the bottom quicker.
How do I get the whites to cook faster before then bottom burns? (I don’t mind the yolk runny though)
Turn of a heat a bit and use lid, that should do the trick, the cooking time will increase but bottoms will not be burned.
I just made this, but I turned it into a sandwich!
At first I cracked eggs into the bowl and then poured them slowly into the pepper rings, so it was easier to fill them precisely.
this so beautiful i saw the picture on and searched this website thanks im making it today is there anything i can replace the tomato with?
You can skip tomato if you don’t like it, but egg white can spill more in this case.
I have seen a few variations of this type of recipe and have now come up with my favorite! I cook up a slice of bacon for each egg I am making. ( set the bacon aside till needed) I then slice a ring of my favorite pepper and mince a litle bit of sweet onion. I pan fry the peppper first so it will be a little more done. (At the same time I am frying my pepper ring, I throw in my minced onion and fry that as well. After the peppper ring and minced oncion starts to get softer (3 or 4 minutes ) I divide up the onion by puttion a portion inside each pepper ring. Now I take the cooked bacon and wrap it around the inside of my pepper wring. Before adding your egg, be sure to add some butter or cooking spray which will help things cook as well as not stick! Then crack your egg inside the bacon and pepper and onto the minced onion! Finish it off with some of your favorite fruit!
Well, mine didn’t end up looking as pretty as yours but they still tasted awesome. Thank you!
It requires some luck with matching size of egg to the size of the bell pepper ring…
Looks fantastic.
Ebrus, why do you visit that … site 9gag?
Because it’s funny
9gag brought me here, great recipe btw
Thank you
mmmm, love this idea! Pinned!
Beautiful but I can’t stand green bells….I am going to attempt it with red, yellow and orange… I think my kids will love it!
What a great idea, my hubby and two girls thought it was so neat thanks! Perfect breakfast
You are welcome 🙂
Grt idea….looks nice and im sure tastes awesome as well.
Definitely trying this dish this weekend. It’s gorgeous! DH will be impressed 🙂
Hope you both will like it 🙂
Made it with red peppers since we do not like the green ones and it tasted delicious! Next time I’ll avoid covering with a lid to have perfect yellow yolks like yours on the picture 🙂
I had troubles with getting it cooked enough w/o lid, it if you like your egg less cooked – I think w/o lid it should work as well :)…
I think if you dice tomatoes instead of using whole piece the cooking will go faster too, I will try it next time.
made this as soon as i saw it and i loved it. delicious.
Fantastic recipe. Made it earlier today and it’s a new breakfast favorite!! Thanks!
I am glad, thank you 🙂
this is gorgeous!
Thanks 🙂