Tag: salad (Page 1 of 9)
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger
December 29th, 2018 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Salads, Sides by Julia Volhina
All beets lovers out there (how ever many there are of you), this recipe is for you: cooked beets with sweet oranges dressed up with spicy ginger, red wine vinegar and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I make this one with roasted beets (wrap washed beets skin on in foil, put them into a pan and stick into oven warmed up to 355F for about 1.5h, or more or less depending on their size).
Boiled ones will work as well (see instructions for boiling beets if needed). I never tried this salad with precooked beets.
Size, taste (and sweetness) of both beets and oranges is something which may vary greatly, so there is a lot “to taste” measurements. You don’t want sweetness to be overpowering (this is where vinegar and salt come to help, using rather sour oranges will help as well). Also people have variable “tolerance” to taste of ginger, start small and add more to taste. Just be creative, you will not be disappointed.
Arugula and Peach Salad
September 22nd, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
I never was a fan of arugula rather bitter taste, but lately I have weird cravings for it, so I had to get inventive.
As it appears peach does a great job helping balancing arugula in this salad. So if you are like me: trying to get arugula in your diet while not actually liking the taste, this salad is for you.
Parmesan and pine nuts are great addition too.
Fresh Cheese Salad with Ramps
July 14th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Ramps are seasonal, and not many stores carry them. I have few recipes for ramps lined up to try but it is always a matter of will I be lucky to find them or not to be able to share.
This year I was lucky to be at the store when local Whole Foods had them for a brief amount of time.
So, long story short, you may not be able to try this until next year when ramps come back, but nevertheless I want to share the recipe for a ramps salad with fresh cheese and eggs.
It is full of vitamin goodness ramps offer and is a great choice for an early spring.
Fresh cheese for this salad can also be hard to find. So either make it yourself or try cottage cheese (if will probably not need mashing, so skip that step if you do)
Radish and Cucumber Salad
June 2nd, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Featuring today a recipe for pretty simple limited ingredient spring salad with radishes and cucumber.
It requires up to 15 mins to prepare. Even less if you use mandeline instead of a knife.
This salad will be a good complement for a steak or some meat and vegetable entree.
If sour cream you use is thick, you can mix it with the lemon juice first before dressing the salad, that will make mixing of salad easier.
Cilantro Lime Shrimps Salad
April 7th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
If you have more cilantro lime shrimps on your hands than you can eat or if eating them plain isn’t as exciting as it was anymore and you want to add some veggies to your diet, this salad may be an idea to try.
It doesn’t take much time to do, and is pretty easy to do: chops veggies, add shrimps and beans, dress and mix.
Cilantro lime shrimps from Costco’s will work here, or if you feel adventurous – try to prepare shrimps yourself, as I’ve described in my previous recipe, either will work for this one.
Red Beans and Crab Stick Salad
March 10th, 2018 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Need some beans in your life? Try this quick salad.
Unusual combination of crab stick, beans, eggs and greens, but very gentle taste I would say.
The combination of crab stick and eggs is something one can never be wrong with, that is if you like both eggs and crab stick of course.
This takes minutes to assemble, especially if you boil eggs in advance. If you don’t, make sure they are cooled down till room temperature before cutting them for the salad.
Noodle Salad with Canadian Bacon and Veggies
February 24th, 2018 in Main Dishes, Pasta, Salads by Julia Volhina
Various pasta or noodle salads is something totally unusual to the place where I can from.
But ever since I tried one, I am totally in love (my fitness-geeky-trying-to-be-conscious self is a bit less so, but sometimes it needs a break too).
This salad comes with a nice pack of veggies: tomatoes, bell peppers, corn. If you use whole wheat noodles and close your eyes on cheese and mayo we can almost call it healthy, right?
Fusilli or elbow pasta will work good here, other types may work too (okey, maybe be not spaghetti, but I think that is obvious). Tri-color pasta will make salad more festive, give it try if you need more color in your life…