Tag: roast (Page 2 of 4)
Onion Marinated Roast Beef
April 19th, 2014 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I am trying to avoid fried foods for some time, and while actually doing so, I am amazed with how many recipes I use involve frying.
So I was staying in front of meat counter figuring out what to cook. And then lady behind the counter suggested to roast some beef.
And this is a recipe I decided to go with: roast beef marinated with onions, black pepper, coriander, allspice and bay leaves.
In addition to ingredients this recipe also required an oven bag or dutch oven with a lid.
Whole Roasted Chicken with Mayo and Garlic
November 2nd, 2013 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Whole chicken smeared with mayo and garlic mix and roasted in an oven bag is probably the easiest way to cook a whole chicken.
Oven bag can be replaced by cooking foil, just cover baking pan with chicken in it with one or two layers.
When checking if chicken is cooked through use meat thermometer (around 160F-170F), or go by clear juices produced when you pierce chicken around thigh, or just by time – around 1.5h at 350F.
Turkey Breast Roast with Garlic, Paprika and Black Pepper
January 12th, 2013 in Main Dishes, Turkey by Julia Volhina
I think this is last recipe using turkey meat for me for a while. I got a little carried away with it around Thanksgiving.
It is quite easy, but takes about 4.5 hours of time: first to soak turkey breast in salted water, and then to cook it in cooling down oven. So make sure you leave yourself enough of time.
This turkey breast roast tastes perfect served warm with a side dish or cooled down in salad or on sandwich.
Roast Turkey Breast with Onions and Herbs
December 15th, 2012 in Main Dishes, Turkey by Julia Volhina
Roast turkey can be served warm with a side dish as a main course, in salad or on sandwich if cooled down.
I used Herbs of Provence mix for this recipe, it includes thyme, marjoram and rosemary. You can use the same or just mix the same herbs to your taste.
Adjust cooking time for breast piece smaller or bigger than mentioned in the recipe.
Juices produced while cooking can be used to prepare sauce for the meat. You can either pour them over the meat or cook them together with flour to thicken them and then chop with hand blender.
Pork Roast with Apples and Mustard
December 8th, 2012 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia VolhinaChicken Meat Roasted with Pineapple and Bananas
October 6th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
This easy yet very tasty chicken meat roast is perfect choice for romantic or family dinner.
If you buy pre-packaged boneless skinless chicken thighs (like me) all you need to do is to arrange them in baking pan, cover with layers of pineapple chunks, bananas slices, mayo and cheese, then stick pan to the oven.
Serve hot with mashed potatoes or rice.
Chicken Roast with Pineapples, Bananas and White Wine Sauce
May 5th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Hens cooked by this recipe turn out juicy, seriously juicy. If you don’t have cornish hens – you can cook pieces of chicken like this with similar result.
About 3 hours of marinating is enough, but if you want it can be done overnight, just make sure that chicken is fully covered with marinade.
Leftovers can be stored and warmed up in the same pot with sauce, the meat will not lose its juiciness.