Tag: poultry (Page 5 of 6)
Duck Meat Stewed with Apples
November 5th, 2011 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Duck meat does go great with apples; usually stuffing a whole duck with apples and then roasting it in the oven is a way to go. But first – it can take quite some time, and then – it bears hassle of dealing with bones when serving and eating.
All of that is gone if boneless duck breasts are sliced and stewed with apples in a deep skillet like in this recipe. It also makes it easier to serve exact amount of meat for each portion.
Any apples will do good for this recipe, however sour ones are better.
Whole Chicken Roast with Oranges
April 23rd, 2011 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
This roast chicken was a first real food we cooked in our new home since the move (yep, we got a house!). So it was kind of the “celebration of new home” meal :).
If you are looking for some easy recipe for some special event – search no more: whole chicken roast stuffed with oranges is very-very juicy and has a bit unusual sweet taste.
It goes good with mashed potatoes or plain boiled rice as a side dish.
If you don’t like taste of orange zest – peel oranges before stuffing, that will smooth taste a bit.
Duck Stewed with Potato and Eggplants
March 5th, 2011 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I love duck meat. And other day we were lucky to find a couple of duck breasts in Market District opened recently near by (nice store by the way).
So, I got them, also eggplant and some potatoes, and cooked this nice dinner.
Any duck meat will work just fine for this stew, I was just lazy to remove bones.
Cabbage and Chicken Salad
January 8th, 2011 in Salads by Julia Volhina
I love cabbage. It is available in the stores whole year, and it somehow manages to preserve such important nutrient as vitamin C (and some others) till late winter. This makes cabbage a good choice of food when your body particularly needs more vitamins.
I consider this a winter salad: cabbage is available any time in the store, as well as chicken and cheese; but it will also taste great when prepared from fresh young cabbage, which is much softer and more juicier.
Additionally, I usually season this salad with dry bread cubes right before serving. I prepare them myself from leftover bread: just dice it and dry in the oven (can’t call them croutons, as they don’t have any seasoning or oil added in the process of preparation). But I guess you can use croutons from the shop instead or skip this part all together.
Chicken Salad with Celery and Grapes
August 7th, 2010 in Salads by Julia Volhina
I never tried fresh celery stems before we got to US. I was more familiar with celery root – it is largely used to prepare soups and stew or even salads of European cousines, but I can’t say eating stem parts of it is as popular in Europe as in US.
According to wikipedia, celery is a source of good low-calorie dietary fibre, which makes it not only tasty (btw I found taste of it fascinating) and also healthy.
Saying all of that, here comes the nice salad recipe for fresh celery stems and boiled white chicken meat; grapes give it a little kick in flavor, as well as almonds. Hope you will like it.
Soup-Purée with Broccoli and Chicken
May 8th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
This bright green colored soup-purée (or cream soup) made of chicken, broccoli and some other vegies is probably the quickest to prepare soup I know.
It is also nutritious: loaded with healthy vegetables and white chicken meat, which are boiled, pureed and blended together for tasty creamy texture.
All that makes this soup very good choice not only for kids, but also for people who prefer soft food.
Fried Chicken
March 13th, 2010 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
It is the easiest way to cook chicken: get meat pieces, rub them with salt and spices, and then fry. Nothing complex and yet still very tasty.
Whole chicken legs are the best for this recipe, you can even get into more extreme and fry whole halves of chicken or cornish hen (bigger pieces are more juicy, but you may need to increase cooking time for big portions of meat).
Drumsticks, thighs and even wings can be cooked the same way: but you may need to reduce cooking time and increase amount of spices – just keep proportion of spice the same: 1 part of cumin to 1 part of ground black pepper to 2 parts of ground coriander – and it will be fine.