Tag: potato (Page 5 of 7)
Deruny (Potato Pancakes)
February 6th, 2010 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Potato pancakes, prepared from fresh chopped or grated potatoes, onions, eggs and flour, are commonly associated with various cuisines of Europe. In Ukraine they are called “deruny”, in Russia and Belarus “draniki”; similar recipes can be found in Polish, German, Austrian, Czech cuisines.
Potato pancakes are usually a main no meat dish for lunch or breakfast; it tastes good topped with sour cream or mushroom sauce.
Even though potato pancakes are good enough as a separate dish, they can be also served as a side dish for vegetable or meat main dish course.
Chicken Soup with Egg Linguine
October 24th, 2009 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
I think – and I hope you will agree with me – nothing tastes better in the cold fall weather than a bowl of hot soup. Make it a chicken soup and it will be hard for you to stop feeling warm and cozy even if outside it is raining since the last week.
Should I also mention what soups, especially chicken soups, are very good for the digestive system, especially if body is weakened by recently or ongoing illness. What can be better for the upcoming flu-season?
Lets gather the ingredients and make tasty noodle soup: Chicken Soup with Egg Linguine, it is really easy after all.
Chicken Salad with Pineapple
October 10th, 2009 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This is one of my favorite chicken salads, you can also call it potato salad or salad with chicken, pineapple and potato. Whatever you call it, it is still delicious. After all, chicken and pineapples are a good combination.
I also found what fire roasted marinated bell peppers are good substitute for the home pickled ones in this salad, and good thing is: those you can actually find in the nearby shop. But you can also use homemade ones if you’ve got some.
I hope you will enjoy this tasty chicken salad as much as I did yesterday.
August 29th, 2009 in Cold Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Okroshka is traditional russian cold soup. It is perfect meal for hot summer weather as it is prepared on the base of kvass – russian bread drink – and it is light and very refreshing.
Finding good fresh kvass for okroshka can be challenging outside of former-USSR. You may try russian or ukrainian shop, or, of course, you can prepare kvass yourself. But If you are not lucky with any of these, you can also replace kvass with mineral water, kefir diluted with boiled cold water or even light beer.
Beef Stew with Vegetables
August 22nd, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
One of the most delicious ways to prepare beef is to stew it with vegetables. Stewed meat shares its juices with vegetables which makes the dish not only nutritious but also very tasty. Stews are a bit time consuming to prepare, but it is totally worth it. Serve stews hot without side dish.
In this post I’ve prepared beef stew with potato, bean, carrots and tomatoes. Read step-by-step instructions how to prepare Beef Stew with Vegetables with pictures.
Moussakas (Greek Eggplant Casserole)
July 25th, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
In Greek cuisine, moussakas (moussaka, musakka) is a layered casserole made of vegetables (eggplant as a main ingredient) and minced meat.
It takes a bit of time and require some coordination in order to make it. But even if you spend a lot of time preparing moussakas, it totally worth it! It is great dish, and it tastes good served as hot as well as cold.
Tzatziki is good addition for Moussakas Casserole.
Herring Under Fur Coat (Herring Salad)
June 27th, 2009 in Salads by Julia Volhina
To prepare russian herring salad, “Herring Under Fur Coat”, you need to have whole salted herring. And of course you need to know how to fillet it, so read this post if you don’t.
Herring Under Fur Coat is a word-to-word translation of russian name of this salad: “Seledka pod Shuboj”, which represents salted herring under a “coat” of boiled vegetables. So, as you’ve probably guessed, you will also need boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beats) and green onions. In the rest this is 5-layers salad with a lot of mayonnaise.
This salad requires some time and agility to assemble it, also it needs at least 12 hours for layers to soak after it is assembled. So make sure you have enough time if you decide to make it.