Tag: porridge (Page 1 of 1)
Rice, Milk and Raisins Porridge
April 12th, 2014 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
This is a breakfast food of my childhood: soft rice porridge cooked with milk and sweet raisins.
Round kinds of rice will probably work better for it, but any white rice will do.
Cook porridge on slow simmer. Don’t forget to stir while cooking, to prevent rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot and burn.
Amount of milk to use for this recipe will vary depending on kind of rice and how liquid you like your porridge to be. I used exactly 2 cups.
Pumpkin and Millet Porridge
October 19th, 2013 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
I think pumpkin porridge (“garbuzova kasha” or “tykvennaja kasha”) is somewhat unusual dish in this part of the globe.
But it is quite popular in slavic world. My grandma always cooked it at fall, with milk and millet and, of course, pumpkin.
Raisins are nice addition to the recipe, all though they are optional, so are walnuts or dried apricots.
Cooking millet may take some time (and liquid). If you need to speed things up a bit, rinse millet seeds in couple of changes of warm water, or even let them soak in water for some time before cooking.
Semolina Porridge (Mannaya Kasha)
December 17th, 2011 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Mannaya Kasha is one of foods associated for russian people with their childhood. When I was little I was always told it is rich on nutrients and required for healthy kid growth – every kid knew that to grow strong and healthy they need to finish up their plate with semolina porridge.
Just as a note: while researching for proper translation for this recipe, I stumbled on information that semolina porridge isn’t recommended for kids younger than 3 years (which was new to me) as it contains high amount of gluten and also phytin. But because it also has a lot of proteins and high content of vitamins E and B1 it is very good for kids after 3 year old who have no gluten intolerance.
While cooking it is important to stir mannaya kasha all the time (I use whisk for this and it helps a lot), or you will get clots and no kid likes them in their mannaya kasha.