
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: pineapple (Page 1 of 2)

Pineapple Juice and Brown Sugar Glazed Ham

November 22nd, 2014 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Pineapple Juice and Brown Sugar Glazed Ham

This is really recipe for the ham glaze: the ham is already fully cooked, and it will just need heating up and a bit of taste.

It is easy recipe for celebration table. If you want to feed more people take bigger piece of meat and increase amount of other ingredients, cooking time will need to be adjusted appropriately.

Left overs can be easily served for lunch, cold or reheated.

Pineapple Stuffed Pork Pockets

October 10th, 2014 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Pineapple Stuffed Pork Pockets

Pork tastes great with pineapple. These pork pockets rubbed with mix of spices and stuffed with pineapple chunks are perfect fit for romantic or celebration dinner.

Other cuts of pork can be cooked like this, but tenderloin works the best due to shape and tenderness.

I used fresh pineapples, but canned ones may work good too.

Fruit Salad with Yogurt

August 2nd, 2014 in Desserts, Salads by Julia Volhina
Fruit Salad with Yogurt

Here is your step away from something usually called a dessert: fresh fruit salad dressed with plain yogurt.

No flour, no sugar, almost no fat (if you use low-fat yogurt); only fresh raw fruits loaded with vitamins and tons of good nutrients.

Besides being a dessert, this salad can be great choice for breakfast or lunch or just a snack when you need it.

You can mix and match fruits to your liking for this one. I used pineapples, banana, orange, apple, kiwi and pear. Mint is also optional and can be skipped it if you don’t like it.

Ham, Pineapple and Peas Salad

April 5th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Ham, Pineapple and Peas Salad

This salad has interesting combination of ingredients: sweet peas with pineapples and ham (or canadian bacon) mixed with lettuce.

Freshly boiled peas can be substituted for canned peas on this one, but canned ones are some what easier to find.

Assemble salad right before you plan to serve it, lettuce will not keep freshness and crispness for long after slicing.

Shrimp, Lettuce and Egg Salad Recipe

January 4th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Shrimp, Lettuce and Egg Salad Recipe

This unusual combination of ingredients yields pretty interesting salad. And it tastes best then prepared right before serving.

Original recipe calls for 10 quail eggs, but I find them somehow hard to find here, so I used 2 chicken eggs as replacement.

Pineapples themselves are optional ingredient, you can skip on them if you wish so, but with them salad tastes more interesting.

Chicken Meat Roasted with Pineapple and Bananas

October 6th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Chicken Meat Roasted with Pineapple and Bananas

This easy yet very tasty chicken meat roast is perfect choice for romantic or family dinner.

If you buy pre-packaged boneless skinless chicken thighs (like me) all you need to do is to arrange them in baking pan, cover with layers of pineapple chunks, bananas slices, mayo and cheese, then stick pan to the oven.

Serve hot with mashed potatoes or rice.

Chicken Roast with Pineapples, Bananas and White Wine Sauce

May 5th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Chicken Roast with Pineapples, Bananas and White Wine Sauce

Hens cooked by this recipe turn out juicy, seriously juicy. If you don’t have cornish hens – you can cook pieces of chicken like this with similar result.

About 3 hours of marinating is enough, but if you want it can be done overnight, just make sure that chicken is fully covered with marinade.

Leftovers can be stored and warmed up in the same pot with sauce, the meat will not lose its juiciness.