Tag: main dish (Page 1 of 3)
Pork Loin Roll with Prunes and Carrots
September 3rd, 2011 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Ingredients in this recipe for most part are the same as in meat stew with prunes and carrots, however for this one I suggest using pork loin – it is tender and much easier to slit flat to be able to roll it with stuffing.
Prunes are go great with pork meat. If you have dry prunes with pits – soak them in boiled water for 15-20 mins to soften and then remove pits before continue with recipe.
Boiled potatoes are great side dish for this entree, whatever you decide to go with mashed potatoes, baked potatoes or simple boiled potatoes, it will work good.
Stewed Beef with Onions
March 27th, 2010 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
It felt like a time for some nice beef stew recipe, so here it goes: beef stewed with onions is a dish my mom was always cooking, when I was little. Well, maybe she didn’t put a wine, but besides of that – that is the dish I am used to from my childhood.
It is very easy to do, probably the easiest stew recipe I know, and doesn’t take much time to cook. Wine adds a nice hint to the taste, but it is completely optional: just replace it with a cup of water if you don’t have a cup of dry red wine.
This dish goes good with mashed potatoes or boiled buckwheat as a side dish.
Fried Chicken
March 13th, 2010 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
It is the easiest way to cook chicken: get meat pieces, rub them with salt and spices, and then fry. Nothing complex and yet still very tasty.
Whole chicken legs are the best for this recipe, you can even get into more extreme and fry whole halves of chicken or cornish hen (bigger pieces are more juicy, but you may need to increase cooking time for big portions of meat).
Drumsticks, thighs and even wings can be cooked the same way: but you may need to reduce cooking time and increase amount of spices – just keep proportion of spice the same: 1 part of cumin to 1 part of ground black pepper to 2 parts of ground coriander – and it will be fine.
Pork Schnitzels (Beaten Pork Cutlets)
November 21st, 2009 in Main Dishes, Pork by Julia Volhina
Schnitzels or beaten cutlets can be prepared of almost any kind of meat: pork, beef, vial, lamb, chicken or even turkey.
The preparation method stays pretty much the same for any of those: you take meat, tenderize it, dip into flour (or breadcrumbs), dip into egg mix and fry. It is that easy!
Of course it is your choice which meat to use: pork is usually more fat and considered less healthy choice before beef, vial or chicken, however beaten pork cutlets are more juicy and tasty, so I prefer to use pork for this recipe.
Salmon under Capers and Dill Sauce
October 30th, 2009 in Fish, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Capers and dill, butter, wine and shallots – those are ingredients of very good sauce for fish. Personally I pick salmon, because it is especially good when boiled or even simmered like in this recipe. However I think it will work with other kind of fish without any problem.
Should I also remind you what fish is an important part of the healthy diet?
Got a romantic dinner coming up and want to surprise your date with something special? I recommend this tender salmon dish, especially if after preparing of it you still have a few sips of Chardonnay left to accompany it with.
Beef Stew with Vegetables
August 22nd, 2009 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
One of the most delicious ways to prepare beef is to stew it with vegetables. Stewed meat shares its juices with vegetables which makes the dish not only nutritious but also very tasty. Stews are a bit time consuming to prepare, but it is totally worth it. Serve stews hot without side dish.
In this post I’ve prepared beef stew with potato, bean, carrots and tomatoes. Read step-by-step instructions how to prepare Beef Stew with Vegetables with pictures.
Duck Baked with Apples
August 8th, 2009 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I find duck dishes somehow not so popular in US. Not every Asian restaurant has duck on the menu, which surprises me a lot as I always thought about ducks being almost national Chinese food.
Maybe it has something to do with the so called “bird flu” which caused the panic a few years ago, or maybe it is related to the fact that duck meat is not considered “healthy” due to the amount of fat it contains, or it could be just because people are too used to see those birds alive on the streets (yes, I live in Columbus, OH and there are tons of ducks and Canadian geese slugging around on every parking lot, as a result I see more ducks on the city streets than on the plates, which would be unbelievable in let’s say Europe 🙂 ).
Nevertheless, I like duck meat. Taste of baked duck with apples reminds me of family celebrations in my childhood, such as New Year or birthdays parties. Fortunately I could find a deeply frozen duckling in the local Kroger. I baked it and, must say, the taste was delicious. So now I can share with you my article about how to prepare Duck Baked with Apples with step-by-step guide and photos included.