
Pasta with Asparagus and ParmesanPasta with Asparagus and Parmesan

Pasta with Asparagus and Parmesan

Good recipe for no-meat linguine or fettuccine pasta. Pretty quick to make, nothing sophisticated, plain and simple steps to follow,…

7 years ago

Boiled Shrimps

Store sold ready to use cooked shrimps can be used for recipes which call for boiled shrimps (salads, soups, stir…

11 years ago

Rhubarb Kompot

This is another drink from my childhood. I must say I didn’t like it back when my grandma cooked it.…

12 years ago

Red Wine Sangria with Peaches, Oranges and Lemons

I think there are many recipes for sangria which use various ingredients, but they all are similar in one thing:…

13 years ago

Salmon Roast in Foil

For me the best tasting salmon - is boiled salmon, and with this recipe I get taste of boiled salmon…

14 years ago

Avocado Salad Dressing

This creamy avocado salad dressing somewhat resembles guacamole dip, after all it consists of almost the same ingredients, just in…

14 years ago

Spicy Guacamole Dip

First time I tried this green dip, it was served as a side dish to something very spicy in mexican…

14 years ago