Tag: jelly (Page 1 of 1)
Jellied Beef Tongue
December 30th, 2017 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
This recipe will probably excite these few who either grow up in USSR or have relatives from that country/time.
I am both, and this dish brings a lot of childhood memories of New Year celebrations and other family gatherings.
For the rest of you jellied beef tongue (zalivnoj jazyk, zalivnoe) may be more of an exotic something you may never try, here are some pictures to a look at in case you don’t feel that adventurous to cook it.
Few notes to the recipe. I’ve ended up using more gelatin than the ingredients picture shows, that is because I’ve decided to do more than one plate. Rule of the thumb 1 pack (1/4oz) for about 1 cup of broth.
Second note is about execution: I’ve realized that it may be easier to arrange the decoration pieces when gelatin starts to settle a bit, and not before pouring the broth in (as I did), because broth moves them around :).
Strawberry Cream Dessert
July 24th, 2010 in Desserts by Julia Volhina
Even though here I can buy strawberries almost any time of year, they are especially tasteful at summer. So yes, it is a strawberry time!
So if you looking for a nice recipe for strawberries – here it is: sweet whipped cream with puree of fresh sweet tasty strawberries and a bit of jelly. Easy to prepare, and even easier to eat 🙂
Of course, whipped cream is a bit heavy for the figure especially if it is mixed with sugar, but it is also totally delicious – so I allow myself to enjoy it every once in a while. But if you are trying to follow low calories / low fat diet this recipe is probably not for you.