
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: ham (Page 1 of 1)

Ham, Pineapple and Peas Salad

April 5th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Ham, Pineapple and Peas Salad

This salad has interesting combination of ingredients: sweet peas with pineapples and ham (or canadian bacon) mixed with lettuce.

Freshly boiled peas can be substituted for canned peas on this one, but canned ones are some what easier to find.

Assemble salad right before you plan to serve it, lettuce will not keep freshness and crispness for long after slicing.

Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Tomatoes

August 10th, 2013 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Tomatoes

I just realized that my website doesn’t have any scrambled egg recipes published by now. So here is an attempt to fix this issue.

Obviously, this recipe is good for breakfast or brunch, or just for any time when you need to fix something to eat fast. Amount of ingredients is good for 2 portions.

You can use ham, just like I did, or canadian bacon, or hot dogs, or another kind of sausage you like. Taste will be slightly different.

Open Sandwich with Ham, Pineapple and Cheese

December 4th, 2010 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Open Sandwich with Ham, Pineapple and Cheese

This is a kind of sandwich you would call hawaiian, and I guess that is mostly because of ham and pineapple.

I never been to Hawaii, so can’t tell what’s up with them and pineapple / ham combination. So I just roll with it 🙂

The whole trick here is to assemble sandwiches (by the way, you can do it in advance) and then put them to the oven for the time enough to melt cheese and warm the rest up, just before you are planing to bring sandwiches to the table, and when ready – serve warm.

Ingredients in this recipe is enough to prepare hot 6 sandwiches, if you need more or less just adjust amounts.

Baked Egg Omelette

June 12th, 2010 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Baked Egg Omelette

Egg omelette with ham or canadian bacon and vegetables is a nice breakfast dish. It takes more than an hour to prepare, but it totally worth it.

Unlike most of other omelettes which are usually fried eggs with some other ingredients, this one is prepared by baking them in the oven.

It is a bit hard to tell exact baking time for this dish – it depends a lot on the size of the baking pan you use (both size and material it is made of) and amount of ingredients: my advice would be to test omelette with wooden toothpick (pierce it through from top to bottom and remove it) – if it does come out clean – baked omelette is ready.

Egg and Ham Salad

March 14th, 2009 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Egg and Ham Salad

One more option for your everyday food. Healthy and tasty, and easy to make salad.

Egg & Ham Salad is perfect for breakfast or midday break food as it doesn’t contain onions.

Ham Rolls With Fresh Carrot Stuffing

January 26th, 2009 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Ham Rolls With Fresh Carrot Stuffing

Got people coming over in a 20 mins and got nothing to bite? Make a ham rolls stuffed with fresh carrot & garlic salad.

Easy and fast! Tastes better when accompanied by beer and TV.