ground meat

Meatballs in Milk SauceMeatballs in Milk Sauce

Meatballs in Milk Sauce

Not so complicated recipe for meatballs, will take roughly an hour to cook and will produce quite a lot to…

6 years ago

Zucchini and Beef Patties

Traditionally for a zucchini season a zucchini recipe: a cross between meat patties and zucchini pancakes, so to speak. For…

8 years ago

Cabbage and Meat Rissoles (Lazy Cabbage Roll Patties)

EnjoyYourCooking already has recipe for Lazy Cabbage Rolls casserole, this recipe variation uses almost the same ingredients, but in form…

9 years ago

Turkey Meatloaf

This is another experiment with turkey meat, which I am not very familiar with. And I must say I like…

12 years ago

Russian Meat Dumplings (Pelmeni)

Pelmeni (russian meat dumplings) is one of the dishes which take a lot of time to make. However once done,…

13 years ago

Chicken Stuffed Leeks

When I saw recipe for stuffed leeks first time I decided for myself that I get to try cook something…

13 years ago

Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

My mom usually cooked big zucchini like this: stiffing it with ground beef and rice mince. However I wasn’t able…

13 years ago