
My Homemade Food Recipes & Tips

Tag: egg (Page 6 of 12)

Yeast Pancakes (Russian Oladi)

September 22nd, 2012 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Yeast Pancakes (Russian Oladi)

Using yeast in batter is pretty common in Russian cuisine. They not only make batter fluffy but gives it a distinctive taste.

Yeast are very picky about temperature: if it is too cold yeast will not start fermenting and if it is too hot yeast will die. Temperature of mixture should be warm and stable.

That is why I usually set my plastic mixing bowl in a cooking pot filled with hot water and I make sure bowl doesn’t touch water so it isn’t too hot to ensure comfortable conditions for yeast to ferment.

Consistency of the oladi batter should be a bit more stiff than kefir. If you fry pancakes and they don’t rise upon frying that may mean the batter is too liquid, to fix it mix in a bit more flour and let batter rise for 10-15 mins before trying again.

Minced Fish Cutlets with Rice

September 8th, 2012 in Fish, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Minced Fish Cutlets with Rice

Tender fish cutlets can be prepared of many kinds of fish to your choice (I used tilapia fillets for example).

If fish you are planning on using has bones, they will need to removed before mincing, skin can be kept intact (presuming scales and fins removed as well).

Fish cutlets can be served warm or cooled down, boiled whole potatoes or mash potatoes are good side dish for these, a dash of mayo is a nice addition.

Parmesan Chicken with Tomato Basil Sauce

August 25th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Parmesan Chicken with Tomato Basil Sauce

Chicken fried in breadcrumbs and parmesan breading, baked with tomato basil sauce is a perfect dish for the romantic dinner with mediterranean hints in taste.

You can use canned tomatoes instead of fresh to save some time and possible money, but I believe sauce prepared with fresh tomatoes tastes a way better.

Breadcrumbs are also easy to make at home by drying and then crumbling in blender couple of slices of italian bread.

Chicken Stuffed Leeks

May 26th, 2012 in Chicken, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Chicken Stuffed Leeks

When I saw recipe for stuffed leeks first time I decided for myself that I get to try cook something like this for sure: it looks unusual, have a lot of vegetables and doesn’t look hard to cook.

I decided to stuff them with chicken mince and rice and accompany it with tomato and bell pepper mix.

I did 2 layers pipes, but if you want to use less leeks you can separate leeks into 1 layer.

Kefir Crepes

May 12th, 2012 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Kefir Crepes

Kefir based crepes have more tender than milk based ones, but they are also harder to do.

Amount of flour to use will depend on thickness of the kefir you have (an that will vary based on brand), somewhere between 2 cups and 2 and half that is what I usually use. If you have choice – use more runny kefir.

There are couple of things you can do if crepes tear when you try to flip them: one of them is to add more flour – but that will not work good if kefir you are using is too thick, then you can put more eggs, and the last resort it to use smaller skillet – then flipping will be easier.

Fried Battered Salmon

April 14th, 2012 in Fish, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Fried Battered Salmon

Salmon fried this way turns out juicy. All you need is salmon, eggs and flour to make batter. Amount of flour may vary – just add flour until batter gets desired thickness.

Fried battered salmon is a good choice for lunch or dinner; tastes good with potato as a side dish: fried or boiled.

Serve fried salmon as soon as it is cooked – it tastes better straight from the frying pan.

Chicken Soup-Puree with Eggs

April 7th, 2012 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Chicken Soup-Puree with Eggs

If you have hand blender this is a soup recipe to try for you: pureed chicken in vegetable broth thickened with flour and beaten eggs.

Hand blender works great to mince chicken meat as well as to break any knots in flour feeling (if needed).

Stand blender or meat mincer will work as well, just mince meat with a bit of broth before adding it to the pot.