Tag: duck (Page 1 of 1)
Duck Stew with Prunes
October 27th, 2012 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
As I mentioned before, I love duck meat dishes. And, as it looks to me, not many people cook ducks in this part of the globe.
So here is my contribution to promote that kind of meat: a recipe for duck stew with prunes. The recipe calls for whole young duckling, but duck breasts or/and legs can be used instead.
Cast-iron cooking pot is the best for this kind of stew if you have one.
Duck Meat Stewed with Apples
November 5th, 2011 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Duck meat does go great with apples; usually stuffing a whole duck with apples and then roasting it in the oven is a way to go. But first – it can take quite some time, and then – it bears hassle of dealing with bones when serving and eating.
All of that is gone if boneless duck breasts are sliced and stewed with apples in a deep skillet like in this recipe. It also makes it easier to serve exact amount of meat for each portion.
Any apples will do good for this recipe, however sour ones are better.
Duck Stewed with Potato and Eggplants
March 5th, 2011 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I love duck meat. And other day we were lucky to find a couple of duck breasts in Market District opened recently near by (nice store by the way).
So, I got them, also eggplant and some potatoes, and cooked this nice dinner.
Any duck meat will work just fine for this stew, I was just lazy to remove bones.
Duck Baked with Apples
August 8th, 2009 in Duck, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I find duck dishes somehow not so popular in US. Not every Asian restaurant has duck on the menu, which surprises me a lot as I always thought about ducks being almost national Chinese food.
Maybe it has something to do with the so called “bird flu” which caused the panic a few years ago, or maybe it is related to the fact that duck meat is not considered “healthy” due to the amount of fat it contains, or it could be just because people are too used to see those birds alive on the streets (yes, I live in Columbus, OH and there are tons of ducks and Canadian geese slugging around on every parking lot, as a result I see more ducks on the city streets than on the plates, which would be unbelievable in let’s say Europe 🙂 ).
Nevertheless, I like duck meat. Taste of baked duck with apples reminds me of family celebrations in my childhood, such as New Year or birthdays parties. Fortunately I could find a deeply frozen duckling in the local Kroger. I baked it and, must say, the taste was delicious. So now I can share with you my article about how to prepare Duck Baked with Apples with step-by-step guide and photos included.