Tag: dill (Page 5 of 10)
Spring Radish Salad
March 23rd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Another spring-envy salad, probably not as light as one would want, mostly because of mayo. But in this one I wouldn’t suggest to replacing mayo with sour cream or yoghurt.
It doesn’t take much time to prepare, about 15 mins of mostly chopping. Boil eggs in advance, let them cool down till room temperature before adding to the salad.
Prepare this salad right before serving for best taste.
Lettuce, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
March 2nd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
In anticipation of the spring in early March, here goes fresh tomato, cucumber and lettuce salad recipe.
These fresh vegetables taste so good in the Spring.
Prepare the salad soon before serving, cut fresh vegetables don’t like to wait.
If you want to make dressing lighter, use light mayo and low-fat yogurt instead of sour cream.
Zucchini Pancakes with Sheep Cheese
April 28th, 2012 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
These are zucchini based vegetable pancakes with a bit of fresh sheep cheese, which can be optional if you don’t like sheep cheese, but to my opinion it benefits a lot to the taste.
You can use zucchini or other kind of summer squash; remove seeds they already formed before cooking.
Vegetable pancakes are good choice for breakfast, brunch or lunch. Serve them warm with sour cream or sour cream and garlic dip how I did.
Layered Liver Cake
January 28th, 2012 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Layered liver cake, dish of traditional Ukrainian cuisine, is often served as appetizer on various celebrations, in fact I tried it first time on a wedding.
For this recipe I used chicken liver, but beef liver will work good as well.
Carrots and onions stuffing can be skipped all together – it will decrease cooking time and reduce amount of mayo to be used (since layers will not need that much mayo to stick together). However carrots go great with liver.
How many layers you get from this amount of ingredients depends on the size of the frying pan you use. I think 11” frying pan is the best – not too big not too small. The ideal amount of layers for this recipe is about 12; if you get more split them in half and assemble 2 cakes.
Stuffed Spaghetti Squash
November 26th, 2011 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
My mom usually cooked big zucchini like this: stiffing it with ground beef and rice mince.
However I wasn’t able to find an “adult” zucchini in any shop here in US to cook it. It seems that they don’t survive long enough to grow big here (maybe green piece should look into that, I don’t know).
Anyway, I believe spaghetti squash is a good substitute for this recipe: it serves the purpose by being squash and providing a cavity to cook stuffing, and it also brings nice unique texture to the dish with its “spaghettiness”.
The taste here is similar to cabbage rolls (as if they were made of squash 🙂 ), however the amount of work you need to put into this one is considerably smaller.
Clear Beef Broth with Vegetables
October 8th, 2011 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Beef broth with vegetables is easiest liquid food to make, easiest to consume, good for your digestive system. Why not to cook it yourself instead of pouring it out from a can or a box?
All you need is beef with bones (I find shank cut very suitable for soups and broths), roots (carrots, parsley, celery), onion, fresh greens and this recipe.
Clear beef broth is nice to accompany any food prepared from that boiled meat cooked in the broth (since you don’t need it after broth is cooked), such as crepes with boiled meat stuffing, savory pies or fried dumplings.
Tomatoes Stuffed with Fresh Cheese
July 30th, 2011 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
These campari tomatoes stuffed with fresh quark cheese, chopped greens and garlic can be nice addition to any celebration table or a cookout: they look festive, taste good and can be easily eaten with fingers.
If you can’t find quark cheese (sometimes called farmers cheese, or fresh white cheese, or tvorog in russian) it may work with feta cheese, but I like it more with quark.
Seeds and pulp from tomatoes as well as top parts – once removed – are not needed for this recipe. You can discard them, or use in some other dish.
Many kind of stews and soups would only benefit from fresh tomatoes. I used seeds and juice from this batch to marinate a nice ribeye steak.