Tag: dill (Page 3 of 10)
Zucchini Crepes
August 27th, 2016 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
Savory crepes with no sugar added and lower amount of flour than in traditional crepes due to usage of zucchini pulp – yes, count me in!
Amount of flour specified in the recipe is somewhat approximate. You may end up using more or less depending on how liquid the kefir is.
Generally you don’t want to get batter to thick for crepes to become too thick, but you also don’t want to make it too thin either because it will be hard to turn a crepe over when frying (it may tear).
So if crepe tears when you try to flip it, add a bit flour in before frying next one, or if it turns out too thick – add a bit of kefir to the batter.
Kefir makes crepes very tender, and may be somewhat hard to flip in general, so use smaller frying pan to make the process easier.
Omelette with Broccoli
August 13th, 2016 in Eggs, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
If you like quiches for breakfast or brunch but don’t want to mess with puff pastry (or trying to cut off some carbs and fat) try this recipe for an omelette with broccoli.
I used fresh broccoli crowns (they are pretty inexpensive and taste great being in season and such), however frozen ones will probably work as well.
Cooking time for the omelette will depend on the size of the pan and amount of ingredients you use. Start testing readiness at 20 mins mark with a wooden toothpick. When omelette is ready, the toothpick should come out clean when stuck into the middle of the omelette.
Amount of ingredients from this recipe will produce 2 portions.
Raw Broccoli and Tomato Salad
February 27th, 2016 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This is easy and refreshing tasting salad of few ingredients: all you need is fresh broccoli crown, few tomatoes, onion and some greens.
It is important to use broccoli crown as it is normally more soft and less chewy than more mature pieces.
Raw broccoli and tomato salad pairs well with meat or poultry courses.
Cabbage with Mushrooms and Sour Cream
January 16th, 2016 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
This dish offers great combination of tastes: cabbage, onions, mushrooms and sour cream braised together and seasoned with fresh dill.
Cabbage braised with mushrooms and sour cream can be served as a side or as no meat course on its own.
Time needed for cooking will vary depending on how soft you like cabbage to be, just check its readiness from time to time.
Cabbage Pancakes
July 4th, 2015 in Main Dishes, No-meat by Julia Volhina
If you have some cabbage sitting in the fridge and you don’t know what to do with it, here is your way out: make cabbage pancakes. They are much like Ukrainian “deruny” but made from cabbage and onions.
My better half is not a big fan of cabbage in general, but he loves these and always asks for seconds.
Cabbage pancakes work great for breakfast or lunch as a dish on its own. But they are not sweet, so I suppose can be served as a side dish as well.
Listed amount of ingredients will produce about 15 pancakes.
Cucumber and Dill Salad
May 23rd, 2015 in Salads, Sides by Julia Volhina
This is my recipe for so called Polish Cucumber salad: simple salad with cucumbers, fresh dill and marinated onions.
Marinating onions makes them less bitter and removes most of that onion breath smell therefore this salad is great for parties, cookouts and such.
I am using balsamic vinegar and sour cream as dressing here. If you like, you can replace vinegar with lemon juice, but I somehow like vinegar better.
Rabbit Stew with Mushrooms and Sour Cream
February 14th, 2015 in Main Dishes, Rabbit by Julia Volhina
Rabbit meat is considered to be lean and overall healthy meat option. We were cooking rabbits pretty often at home in Ukraine. But here in US I was never lucky enough to see one in store.
This seem had changed recently: both, Whole Foods and Giant Eagle Market District in area where we live, now started carrying young rabbits (I hope it isn’t some kind of trial).
So I couldn’t resist, bought one and decided to share this simple and yet pretty tasty recipe for rabbit stew with mushrooms and sour cream. I hope you like it as much as I do.