Tag: cucumber (Page 2 of 4)
Chicken, Prunes and Cucumber Salad
July 12th, 2014 in Salads by Julia VolhinaSalad with Chicken and Fresh Vegetables
March 8th, 2014 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Spring is right around the corner. And even though nowadays you can buy fresh vegetables all year around, in spring they taste somehow special. Maybe this is a way how body let’s you know it needs to be replenished with vitamins.
This is why I am publishing this recipe for salad made of fresh bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes with boiled white chicken meat and a bit of cheese.
By the way, mayo in the dressing can be mixed with sour cream for skinnier version.
Bean, Cucumber and Bell Pepper Salad
July 6th, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This is an easy salad with boiled beans, fresh bell pepper and cucumber which can be assembled in under a 15 mins if you are fast with chopping and dicing.
Any kind of beans will work for this recipe, you can also boil beans yourself instead of using canned ones, just let them cool down till room temperature before adding them to the salad.
Fresh green parsley can be substituted for cilantro if you don’t like cilantro or can find it for some reason. But I like taste of bean salad with cilantro the most.
Spring Radish Salad
March 23rd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Another spring-envy salad, probably not as light as one would want, mostly because of mayo. But in this one I wouldn’t suggest to replacing mayo with sour cream or yoghurt.
It doesn’t take much time to prepare, about 15 mins of mostly chopping. Boil eggs in advance, let them cool down till room temperature before adding to the salad.
Prepare this salad right before serving for best taste.
Lettuce, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
March 2nd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
In anticipation of the spring in early March, here goes fresh tomato, cucumber and lettuce salad recipe.
These fresh vegetables taste so good in the Spring.
Prepare the salad soon before serving, cut fresh vegetables don’t like to wait.
If you want to make dressing lighter, use light mayo and low-fat yogurt instead of sour cream.
Russian Vinaigrette Salad (Salad Vinegret)
June 9th, 2012 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Vinaigrette salad (or salad “vinegret” how it is called in russian) is traditional salad of russian cuisine.
It is made of boiled vegetables (beets, potatoes and carrots), onions, sauerkraut and cucumbers pickled in salt.
Some recipes call for peas instead of boiled beans, some others skip beans all together. But to me real vinegret is the one with beans.
Traditionally this salad is dressed with sunflower oil, but it can be substituted with other oil to your taste.
Crab Sticks Salad with Napa and Cucumber
May 28th, 2011 in Salads by Julia Volhina
It is time for summer cookouts yet? I bet it is! Who said cookouts should be all meat and bread – add a bit of vegetables and crab sticks 🙂
Napa gives this salad tender filling; however you can substitute white cabbage for napa – it will work fine, just remember to tenderize shredded cabbage with your hands.
If you use frozen crab sticks, make sure they unfreeze completely and all extra liquid is removed before adding them to the salad.