Tag: cream cheese (Page 1 of 1)
Spinach Cheese Dip
September 8th, 2018 in Appetizers & Snacks, Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
One more recipe to the lineup of appetizers using cream cheese for me. This time it is for hot spinach cream cheese dip with parmesan and garlic.
Good choice if you are looking to increase the amount of leafy greens in your diet.
It is pretty easy to do and you can get a bowl full of goodness ready for your party or gathering literally in minutes.
Serve hot with tortilla chips or veggies.
Zucchini Rolls with Cream Cheese
August 11th, 2018 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
As zucchini season is in full swing I want to share a recipe for this amazing appetizer: zucchini rolls with cream cheese, garlic and fresh herbs stuffing.
I must say it is one of my favorite finger foods. I think I can eat the whole plate of these by myself.
Use mandoline to slice zucchini here, it will make life much easier and will speed process up a lot.
If you want to reduce oil intake – roasting zucchini in the oven in grilling skillet can be an option to.
Salmon and Cream Cheese Spread
July 28th, 2018 in Appetizers & Snacks by Julia Volhina
Quick recipe for an appetizer you can put together on a minutes notice (if you have ingredients of course): salmon and cream spread.
Once ready, you can set it up on cucumber slices, or crackers you like. Or in less fancy fashion (and also quicker) spread it on a bread toast.
I used hand blender to here, because I wasn’t sure how my cup blender will react to not-so-liquid mixture. Either one you plan to use, just make sure cream cheese and salmon are well blended into homogeneous mixture.
How to Make Cream Cheese Frosting
November 4th, 2017 in Tips, Advices & How-to by Julia Volhina
This is this time of the year for pumpkin cookies. And what pumpkin cookie doesn’t taste even better with cream cheese frosting?
So, if here is a quick how-to for cream cheese frosting.
Disclaimer: amount of powdered sugar is some what moving target here, it all depends on how sweet you want frosting to be. I don’t like it too sweet, so my amount is about 8 tablespoons.
So my advice is: start adding sugar gradually, taste from time to time and stop when it is as sweet as you want it.
Amount of ingredients mentioned in the recipe is enough for batch of pumpkin cookies. Adjust amounts if you plan to do more or less, or use it for a pumpkin roll or cake which requires more of frosting.