Tag: cabbage (Page 2 of 4)
Brussel Sprouts with Mushrooms and Onions
February 2nd, 2013 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
Brussels sprouts cooked in mushroom and onion sauce can be served as a dish on its own, or as a side dish for a meat main course.
You can use fresh or frozen brussels sprouts for this recipe, frozen ones don’t require thawing, but may need a bit less time for cooking.
Vary amount of water (or broth) and flour while cooking to reach desired thickness of the sauce (more flour and less water will make it for thicker sauce).
Brussels Sprouts in Tomato and Soy Sauce
December 1st, 2012 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Sides by Julia Volhina
I got probably my last catch of brussels sprouts for this year and had to throw away some of it, that is why I only had three quarter of a pound left. If you manage to get whole pound, just increase ingredients proportionally.
In this recipe tomato can be replaced with tomato paste with water, but I like fresh tomatoes more than canned substitutes.
A note: recipe doesn’t call for salt for a reason: the soy sauce is salty enough.
Cabbage Braised with Bratwurst
June 2nd, 2012 in Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
I had some bratwurst left from last cookout and instead of sticking it to the freezer, I decided to cook this bachelor food: braised cabbage with brats and tomato paste.
There is not much hassle with meat, cabbage is hard to mess up, just fry all ingredients together and salt to taste.
You can replace brats with any kind of sausage to your taste, even sliced bologna will work.
Diluted tomato paste can be replaced with fresh tomatoes, peeled and pureed, but that is an exercise for an experienced bachelor…
Cabbage and Carrots Salad with Oil
March 31st, 2012 in Salads by Julia Volhina
As you probably guessed already, this simple salad consists of two main ingredients: cabbage and carrots, dressed with oil (I take sunflower oil for this one), ground black pepper and celery seeds (both of which are optional), and salt.
It takes about 15 mins to prepare this salad. It can be served as a side dish or an appetizer. It also works good for a snack when you need to make something tasty fast.
Leftovers can be stored in fridge for a few days, salad doesn’t lose taste with time.
Cabbage Rolls in Sour Cream Sauce
December 23rd, 2011 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
Another variation for ukrainian cabbage rolls: meat staffed cabbage rolls with gentle sour cream and onion sauce.
Making these from scratch will take some time as any recipe for cabbage rolls even if you use ground beef and don’t need to prepare it yourself, you still need to separate cabbage, assemble rolls and then cook them.
But don’t let this to stop you – even though it is time consuming to cook cabbage rolls you will get enough rolls for later – just store left overs in fridge or freezer.
Roast Brussels Sprouts
August 20th, 2011 in Sides by Julia Volhina
Roast brussels sprouts are great as a side dish or a snack. They don’t require much of attention while cooking: just clean sprouts, put them to a baking pan, toss with oil, salt and pepper and roast until ready.
You can cook them to your liking: increase temperature a bit and you get crunchy outside and soft inside, decrease temperature and increase cooking time – get softer sprouts.
Hope you like them!
Crab Sticks Salad with Napa and Cucumber
May 28th, 2011 in Salads by Julia Volhina
It is time for summer cookouts yet? I bet it is! Who said cookouts should be all meat and bread – add a bit of vegetables and crab sticks 🙂
Napa gives this salad tender filling; however you can substitute white cabbage for napa – it will work fine, just remember to tenderize shredded cabbage with your hands.
If you use frozen crab sticks, make sure they unfreeze completely and all extra liquid is removed before adding them to the salad.