Tag: bologna (Page 1 of 1)
August 29th, 2009 in Cold Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
Okroshka is traditional russian cold soup. It is perfect meal for hot summer weather as it is prepared on the base of kvass – russian bread drink – and it is light and very refreshing.
Finding good fresh kvass for okroshka can be challenging outside of former-USSR. You may try russian or ukrainian shop, or, of course, you can prepare kvass yourself. But If you are not lucky with any of these, you can also replace kvass with mineral water, kefir diluted with boiled cold water or even light beer.
Russian Salad (Olivier)
February 22nd, 2009 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Usually people outside of former-USSR call it Russian Salad, however its original name is Salad Olivier.
This salad was and maybe still is the most traditional dish for the home New Year celebration for Russian people, and some other family holidays also. Hope you will like it too.
Different cooks may use slightly different ingredients in the salad, and the taste will vary because of this.
This recipe describes Salad Olivier how it us being prepared in my family.