Tag: blueberry (Page 1 of 1)
Blueberry and Ice Cream Milkshake
July 18th, 2015 in Beverages, Non-alcoholic by Julia Volhina
Not complicated recipe for homemade drink to enjoy this hot summer: a milkshake made of fresh (and colorful) blueberries, ice cream and milk, you will also need a stand blender.
Fresh berries are just great for this. But they can be replaced with frozen ones to make it more affordable or when fresh blueberries are out of season.
Listed ingredients will yield about 3 portions. Work in batches to make more in case you have 48oz blender cup like I do.
Fruit and Berry Kompot
February 1st, 2014 in Beverages, Non-alcoholic by Julia Volhina
This recipe gives me another chance to advertise the benefit of homemade drinks over store sold soda full of sugar and god knows what else: making drink for yourself gives you control over how much sugar it has exactly.
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries are nice choice for this kompot, strawberries are nice addition too. I used frozen berry mix – it is cheaper and easier to get, however fresh berries will work the same well.
Fruit and berry kompot taste great warm, or cooled down to room temperature, or iced, whatever you prefer more. Fruits from the kompot taste great too, you can serve them with or without kompot.