Tag: beet (Page 1 of 2)
Beets and Orange Salad with Ginger
December 29th, 2018 in Main Dishes, No-meat, Salads, Sides by Julia Volhina
All beets lovers out there (how ever many there are of you), this recipe is for you: cooked beets with sweet oranges dressed up with spicy ginger, red wine vinegar and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I make this one with roasted beets (wrap washed beets skin on in foil, put them into a pan and stick into oven warmed up to 355F for about 1.5h, or more or less depending on their size).
Boiled ones will work as well (see instructions for boiling beets if needed). I never tried this salad with precooked beets.
Size, taste (and sweetness) of both beets and oranges is something which may vary greatly, so there is a lot “to taste” measurements. You don’t want sweetness to be overpowering (this is where vinegar and salt come to help, using rather sour oranges will help as well). Also people have variable “tolerance” to taste of ginger, start small and add more to taste. Just be creative, you will not be disappointed.
Raw Beets and Cabbage Salad
December 16th, 2017 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Pretty simple yet pretty festive and colorful raw cabbage salad with red beets, greens and a bit of onion dressed with mayo (all though you can go for a sunflower or olive oil for healthier option).
Raw cabbage is packed with vitamins, especially vitamins K and C, but also B6 and folate. And beets high in folate and manganese. A good combination for the winter.
It is also quite filling. So a good choice if you are trying to get some fiber in.
Horseradish and Beets Relish
November 3rd, 2012 in Salads, Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
Yuriy calls this relish, made of horseradish and beets, Ukrainian wasabi: it is sharp and flavorful and goes great with meat dishes, sausages, jellied meat.
In Ukraine it is often served on Christmas and New Year.
Fresh horseradish can be tricky to handle – vapors may irritate nose and eyes, especially when chopped. That is why using blender or food processor is the best choice here.
Steaks Marinated in Onion Juice
September 1st, 2012 in Beef, Main Dishes by Julia Volhina
A simple recipe to marinate steaks for a cookout: onion juice tenderizes meat without draining its own juices and no need to clean onions themselves as if you would need to do when marinating meat with chopped onions.
I used only salt and ground black pepper as seasonings this time, but other spices can be used to your taste: bay leaf, allspice, paprika, whole peppercorns, whatever you like.
Any meat cut will work here, more lean meats may require more time for marinating.
Russian Vinaigrette Salad (Salad Vinegret)
June 9th, 2012 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Vinaigrette salad (or salad “vinegret” how it is called in russian) is traditional salad of russian cuisine.
It is made of boiled vegetables (beets, potatoes and carrots), onions, sauerkraut and cucumbers pickled in salt.
Some recipes call for peas instead of boiled beans, some others skip beans all together. But to me real vinegret is the one with beans.
Traditionally this salad is dressed with sunflower oil, but it can be substituted with other oil to your taste.
Easier Borscht with Precooked Beets and Beans
December 18th, 2010 in Hot Soups, Soups by Julia Volhina
One of the challenges when cooking classic beet root soup, borscht, is to get all vegetables (and there are quite few) cooked till perfect readiness at the same time.
Considering different vegetables require different cooking time it is sometimes hard to achieve. For borscht you need to make sure beens are soft, while potatoes are not over cooked and beets don’t lose their color.
So, to make this happen: I cook beens in a separate cooking pot (just until they are soft and ready), cook beets skin on (like for salad) in separate pot in advance, and add these two to the main cooking pot at appropriate times.
By the way, using of canned beets and beens instead of cooking them yourself is an option (which I never did, but it may safe you some time).
Beet Salad with Prunes and Walnuts
November 13th, 2010 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Beet salad with prunes, walnuts and onions dressed up with mayo or sour cream or both is one of the traditional salads of ukrainian cuisine.
Also, this dish is one of the not many dishes which uses beets as a main ingredient.
It is very important to use sweet and rich red color beets for this salad. So, when buying beets scratch their skin with a nail: dark red pulp under skin is a sign of good beet, not pink and not white.
It is also important to use good quality walnuts; taste before you buy them: old walnuts can be bitter and using such will make you salad taste bitter as well.