It is a pumpkin harvest time. That said, it is a time for pumpkin vegetable soup-puree: bright in color and rich in nutrients meat-free soup.
You can use canned vegetable broth for this one, or prepare your own from scratch by following these easy step by step instructions like I did. Just remember that canned broths usually are pretty salty, so you may need reduce amount of salt you add to the soup.
Equal amount of sour cream can be substituted for heavy cream if you feel like it.
1.5lb of cleaned pumpkin
3/4 cup of rice
1 onion
3-3.5 quarts of vegetable stock
3/4 cup of heavy cream
1 teaspoon of butter
Salt to taste
How to prepare, step-by-step:
Prepare ingredients:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 1
Warm up deep skillet with butter over moderate heat:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 2
Peel and chop onion, add to the skillet:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 3
Fry onions until evenly transparent, stir from time to time:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 4
Meanwhile, clean pumpkin and dice it; add pumpkin dices to the skillet once onion is ready; fry onion and pumpkin together, stir from time to time:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 5
Pour enough vegetable broth to the skillet to fully cover vegetables, cover skillet with a lid, adjust heat for light simmering and cook:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 6
While pumpkin is cooking, bring a pot with water to simmer, salt to taste, add rice in and boil it for 15 mins; rice should be completely soft; then drain it thought colander:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 7
Cook pumpkin until fully soft:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 8
Move skillet content to a cooking pot:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 9
Add rice:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 10
Add reminder of the vegetable broth in:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 11
And puree everything using hand blender (if you are not sure on how much broth you need to get soup a consistency you want, add a portion of broth first, then puree and then add just enough broth to get soup to condition you want it to be):
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 12
Put pot back on burner, bring to simmer, add cream in, mix and salt to taste if needed:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 13
Then pumpkin and rice soup-puree is ready to be served; garnish each bowl with with chopped greens:
Pumpkin and Rice Soup Puree Recipe: Step 14