Categories: Sides

Simple Cauliflower Puree (Mashed Cauliflower)

Lately, I am cutting on my potato intake, but it is hard because I like such sides as mashed potatoes, for example. So when I read about mashed cauliflower being something similar but healthier, I had to try it right away.

I must say, mashed cauliflower still tastes like cauliflower, however the texture of it is very much similar to the texture of potato puree. So I think, I am pleased with my results.

I used hand immersion hand blender to puree my cauliflowers, but I am pretty sure stand blender or food processor will work for it as well.

Don’t over do on amount of milk – cauliflower will need much less than potato would, so add it very gradually, spoon by spoon until desired consistency.


  • 2lbs cauliflower head
  • 2tbsp of butter
  • 1/4 cup (more or less to taste) of milk
  • Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 1
  2. Clean and separate cauliflower head into florets, put them into pot of appropriate size, fill pot with water and bring it to slow boil:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 2
  3. Add salt to taste:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 3
  4. And cook cauliflower until soft when pierced with a knife (15-20 mins). Once ready, cover pot with a lid leaving small hole between the lid and the pot and drain all water out (or use a colander). If you use stand blender, move cooked cauliflower to the blender cup, or keep it in the pot for hand blender:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 4
  5. Add butter:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 5
  6. Using blender chop cauliflower into smaller pieces:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 6
  7. Warm up milk (I use microwave for this), and start adding milk to the mixture spoon by spoon:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 7
  8. Continue blending and adding milk until puree gets the consistency you like it to be (more milk will produce more liquid puree), I ended up adding about ¼ of the cup for the amount of cauliflower I got:
    Recipe for Simple Cauliflower Puree: Step 8
  9. Serve warm:
    Simple Cauliflower Puree