Categories: Sides

Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds

An easy yet tasteful side dish to make. It goes well with meat or poultry or a vegetable main dish.

Caraway seeds in combination with garlic give this dish some fragrance and interesting taste.

A hint: you can boil potatoes well in advance and fry them right before serving to get side dish ready when main course is.


  • 1.5lb of petite potatoes
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2oz of butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of caraway seeds

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 1
  2. Wash potatoes thoroughly, put them to a pot filled with water, put on burner and cook potatoes over light simmering until cooked through (soft when pierced with a knife), smaller size potatoes require less time for cooking:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 2
  3. Remove potatoes from the pot, dry them with paper towel, slice bigger potatoes into halves or quarters:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 3
  4. Put dry frying pan on a burner, over moderate heat; add caraway seeds and toast them until fragrant (about 2 mins):
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 4
  5. Add all butter in and let it melt:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 5
  6. Peel and slice garlic cloves, add the to the pan, fry with butter and caraway seeds for a minute more:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 6
  7. Add potato pieces, fry potatoes, stir from time to time to coat potatoes with butter and seeds:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe: Step 7
  8. And serve as side dish:
    Potatoes Fried with Garlic and Caraway Seeds Recipe