Braised White Cabbage

Braised cabbage can be a nice meat-free dish on its own, however it also makes a good side dish for various meats, especially pork and sausages.

You can braise fresh white cabbage alone or mix of white cabbage with sauerkraut (1:1 proportion) to your taste. If you choose to use sauerkraut, rinse it with water before adding to the skillet.

Fresh tomatoes in this recipe can be replaced with tomato paste, if you don’t want to spend time blanching and de-seeding tomatoes.


  • 2lb of white cabbage (about half of small head)
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 1-2 onion
  • Sunflower oil (or olive oil)
  • Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare Ingredients: I’ve used roma tomatoes (they are very easy to blanch and deseed), you can replace them with 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste with a bit of water if you don’t like blanching:
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up skillet with about 2 tablespoons of oil over moderate heat. Peel and slice onions in half-circles, move them to the skillet and fry until soft and golden brown (stir from time to time):
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 2
  3. Finely slice cabbage (exclude stem) and add to the skillet, reduce heat and braise cabbage for about 20 mins (stir from time to time to ensure it cooks evenly):
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 3
  4. While cabbage is cooking, blanch tomatoes (I also deseeded mine, this way there is much less liquid). To blanch tomatoes put them for 20 secs to boiling water:
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 4a
    Then put them to cold water, peel skin, remove seeds and put to blender cup:
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 4b
    And prepare tomato puree:
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 4c
  5. Add prepared tomato puree to cooking cabbage:
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 5
  6. Season with salt to taste, mix and continue braising until cabbage is as soft as you like (to your taste you can also add 1-2 bay leaves and several whole pepper corns, however I didn’t):
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 6
  7. Serve braised white cabbage warm as meat-free dish or as a side to your choice of main dish (this photo features pork rolls stuffed with mushroom filling):
    Braised White Cabbage Recipe: Step 7

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