Cream of Mushroom Sauce

I think that is one of the easiest cream sauces to do, but it is also a bit heavy due to usage of whipping cream as a main ingredient.

Personally I think the taste this sauce completely worth working out those extra calories later on. But it is for you to decide: try substitute cream with smaller amount of half & half to make it a bit lighter if you wish.

Cream of Mushroom Sauce is perfect addition for potato-based dishes: potato dumplings, potato pancakes or simply boiled potato; it will also benefit grilled or fried chicken meat or roast beef; as well as it can be served as a pasta sauce.


  • 14-16 oz of fresh field mushrooms
  • 3 shallots
  • 2 cups of heavy whipping cream (25%-30%)
  • 2 tbsp of sour cream
  • Vegetable oil of your choice
  • Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: I prefer to skin field mushrooms, but you can also simply clean them with a water:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up a skillet with about 1 tbsp of oil over low-medium heat (I use sunflower oil). Skin and chop shallots, add them to the skillet and fry until yellowed in color, stir from time to time:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 2
  3. Dice mushrooms (size doesn’t matter much) and add mushrooms to the skillet with shallots:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 3
  4. Fry mushrooms until the juice they produced evaporates almost all (about 15-20 mins), then turn the heat off and move skillet to cold burner:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 4
  5. Next step will require using some kind of grinding device: blender, hand blender, grinder/chopper, food processer – anything what can get the food processed into a cream state. You may need to cool the fried mushrooms till some temperature acceptable for the tool you use before you pour the fried mushroom-onion mix into the container:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 5
  6. Add 2 table spoons of sour cream and salt to taste:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 6
  7. Add about 1 cup of heavy cream:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 7
  8. Cover the container with a lid (if needed) and start chopping on medium speed, it does take some time to chop and blend whole cup so just leave it for some time:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 8
  9. When the mix got cream-puree like, pour it in to the sauce pan:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 9
  10. Add remaining heavy cream (at this point you may correct thickness of the sauce: if you want it to be more thin – just add a bit more cream):
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 10
  11. Put the sauce pan over low heat burner, mix the sauce and bring to simmer (but don’t boil!). Remove sauce pan from the burner:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce Recipe: Step 11
  12. Cream of Mushroom Sauce is ready! Serve it to in a sauce bowl or simply pour over your favorite vegetable, meat or chicken dish:
    Cream of Mushroom Sauce