Category: Salads (Page 6 of 10)
Ramps Spring Salad with Eggs and Cucumbers
May 18th, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
This salad filled with vitamins. But it is highly seasonal, unless you have fresh ramps at your disposal anytime of a year.
I saw them by in Whole Foods other day, and couldn’t pass by, had to take an opportunity to make this salad.
Ramps have intense garlicky taste, if you want to make it less so, add a bit more sour cream to the dressing.
Spring Radish Salad
March 23rd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Another spring-envy salad, probably not as light as one would want, mostly because of mayo. But in this one I wouldn’t suggest to replacing mayo with sour cream or yoghurt.
It doesn’t take much time to prepare, about 15 mins of mostly chopping. Boil eggs in advance, let them cool down till room temperature before adding to the salad.
Prepare this salad right before serving for best taste.
Lettuce, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
March 2nd, 2013 in Salads by Julia Volhina
In anticipation of the spring in early March, here goes fresh tomato, cucumber and lettuce salad recipe.
These fresh vegetables taste so good in the Spring.
Prepare the salad soon before serving, cut fresh vegetables don’t like to wait.
If you want to make dressing lighter, use light mayo and low-fat yogurt instead of sour cream.
Chicken and Celery Salad Sandwich
February 23rd, 2013 in Chicken, Main Dishes, Salads by Julia VolhinaHorseradish and Beets Relish
November 3rd, 2012 in Salads, Sauces & Dips & Spreads by Julia Volhina
Yuriy calls this relish, made of horseradish and beets, Ukrainian wasabi: it is sharp and flavorful and goes great with meat dishes, sausages, jellied meat.
In Ukraine it is often served on Christmas and New Year.
Fresh horseradish can be tricky to handle – vapors may irritate nose and eyes, especially when chopped. That is why using blender or food processor is the best choice here.
Green Beans and Eggs Salad
October 20th, 2012 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Another recipe for green beans and eggs, now in a form of egg salad with garlic and mayo.
As all foods prepared from green beans I know, it doesn’t require much time to do: about 20 mins from beginning to end or even less if you use cooked eggs and thin french green beans.
Adjust amount of garlic and mayo to your taste.
Fresh Broccoli Salad with Raisins and Sunflower Seeds
August 11th, 2012 in Salads by Julia Volhina
Broccoli is one of vegetables I never tried before we came to US. Amongst other foods prepared of broccoli, fresh broccoli salads are pretty popular here.
And I think variation with fresh broccoli, onions, raisins, sunflower seeds and bacon crumbles is the most popular one.
If you wish to make salad lighter skip the bacon (obvious decision) and use lighter mayo.