Categories: FishMain Dishes

Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine

This not complicated recipe is my first attempt to cook mussels. They turned out juicy and light. Thanks to Hans-Peter and his cooking lessons 🙂

Vegetables cooked this way, with wine and mussels juices, taste great as well as mussels themselves, serve them all together!

By the way, 1lb-1.5lb of mussels per serving sounds about right, this way amount of ingredients listed in this recipe is enough to feed 2-3 people.


  • 3lb of mussels
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stalk of leek
  • 4 stalks of celery
  • 3 roma tomatoes
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 2 cups of dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • Fresh parsley

How to prepare, step-by-step:

  1. Prepare ingredients: if you use wild mussels they need more thorough cleaning; farmed ones are usually sold prepared for cooking and just need rinsing with cold water; if you wish you can use canned diced tomatoes instead of fresh ones:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 1
  2. Warm up big cooking pot with 2 tablespoons of oil over moderate heat; peel and chop onion, add it to the cooking pot:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 2
  3. Fry onions stirring occasionally, until transparent:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 3
  4. Then peel and slice carrots; add them to the pot:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 4
  5. Continue frying onions with carrots for 10-15 mins, stir from time to time:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 5
  6. While carrots are cooking, blanch tomatoes, I also remove seeds right before adding them to the pot:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 6
  7. Peel and chop garlic:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 7
  8. Clean and slice leek; add to pot:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 8
  9. And mix (the real reason why I post this picture here is because it does look great):
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 9
  10. Add chopped celery stalks to the pot, mix and cook for 2-3 mins:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 10
  11. Add about 2 cups of white dry wine in:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 11
  12. Let vegetables and wine to cook over moderate low heat:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 12
  13. Meanwhile rinse and clean mussels with running cold water:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 13
  14. Bring heat to high and pour mussels to the cooking pot:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 14
  15. Let them steam over wine and vegetables until all mussels open, over time mix pot content to bring mussels from bottom to top and cook them evenly:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 15
  16. Then add chopped blanched and seeded tomatoes (or canned ones, to your taste):
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 16
  17. And garlic:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 17
  18. Mix everything last time:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 18
  19. Ladle cooked mussels along with vegetables into big soup bowls, season with chopped parsley and serve hot, goes great together with toasted baguette seasoned with garlic:
    Mussels Steamed with Vegetables in White Wine Recipe: Step 19